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Quest ambitious qeen

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm very very angry.
In the place of usually the ambitious queen stay in Solen Hive there is NO QUEEN. I've called a GM but as usally the answer is the stupidd answer ( go to this link.. and so on)
Someone knows why the ambitious queen has left her usual place? And where it is now?
Or it is another bug???????

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The Queen tends to roam around... She should be somewhere within that general area


I just did this quest. Just be patient and look around. She doesn't roam far; really the hive isn't that big....

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm far fron the beginning of the quest that the ambitious queen stay in two labytinth.
But now she is missed.
I've called a GM. After 5 or 6 stupid answers ( like "go this link" and so on one of this has told me that there was the last page then he banned me.
I was so angry that i've answered very bad and surprise.......the queen has appears in one of the two places that normally spawn

Dermott and Ivorythorn, there are only two places where she spawns. Amd in this two places you can find she in all tha places long. But only in these two places :)

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It seems like i went to White Wyrm and she spawned into rocks. Also if i called a GM the answer was stupid like this one. And if my pages was too many they scared me saying that he banned my account.
But look at the spot of WW now, rocks are missed! They are changed the map and now WW don't spawn into the rocks because there are no rocks!!!!!!!!!
It's possible that we have to pay much money to have some stupid, stupid answers for some that are bugs?????????
Noone rebel against OSI and his poilicy?

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
GMs have got to be a huge reason for players quitting UO. Im sure they are nice people but they have no power and are of little worth.
I got a guy at work to play UO and they started him in the new haven quest. for some reason he could not click the yes button when asking if he could skip / end the quest. he eventually got buged out and when the gms refused to end his quest he just asked them to put him on the other side of the wall so he could play the game. they refused. he diddnt bother. he said the game looked ok but the support blew. i kinda wished hed make another char and try again but he just went back to eve and wow. I thought that was kinda extreem until the next day when i was stuck under the death hall for the puzzle in the underworld. i tried to help out and got a canned message. so i had to kill me self. the other day navery spawned in her rock pillar. we paged but after 30 minutes we just left. pretty sure that went unhandled.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear Cell Dallben, i've been playing far from 7 years, before AOS.
I think that if i make a page i have some reason.
The last pages were all for something before SA. Then i know very well the mechanism of the game. And if i say that there is a bug there is a bug, See the WW, when there was some rocks that imprisoned some spawn and GM told me that if i messaged another time they banned me. And now the rock are missing.
You don't think that maybe i'm right????

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another things.
After 6 or 7 pages suddenly the ambitious queen has appeared. I have finished the quest, many times.
But do you thinlk that it's normal that the queen is missed and then it appears in the normal places where she spawn?
After many pages???
I don't thing that GM are right :(

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

It probably respawned back in it's spot naturally... wandering NPCs like shopkeepers tend to do that if they go too far from their "home" location.