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[Spellweaving] pvp



i have been using a sw tamer forever now for pvm but hes not seen any use at all due to me pvping 90% of the time now......so i dropped taming and lore for wrestle and resist......never used spellweaving on a pvp template so i wanna hear how useful or beneficial it can be(i know what all the spells do).i wanna know if its worth having.....pvm its no question sw rocks....but for pvp? let me know(besides pixies all kill).


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've used a necro/mage/weaver in the past (red) and it works ok as a support mage working and defending spawns. In a few cases the essence of wind has turned the battle.

The key is always trying to get a 5 or 6 focus.

Stupid Miner

Amazing for defense and healing, while it lasts, and Gift of Life will rez your pets at half health. (can also have it on multiple pets)