Re: Bake Kitsune
This seems like an interesting template but crowded. I am trying to think how this could work. This is what I am looking at but I don't know much about ninjitsu/hiding/stealth.
110 Tame
110 Lore
110 Archery
110 Tactics
100 Ninjitsu
100 Hiding
80 Stealth
I know you can add jewelery and other items. Maybe 120 archery with hunters headress. It seems like with some tweaking, it can make a nice PvP template. What do you think?
I have a mage-tamer and a stealth archer and was kinda thinking about combining the skills of the 2 via soulstones. Here's what I can tell you about a template like this:
110 Taming/Lore is enough to control a GD 99%. You won't do any taming with this toon but it will be enough for control purposes. Just make sure you have access to a 120 tamer, or you have jewels to bump you up for taming purposes to obtain new pets.
Hiding at 100 and Stealth at 80 is more than adequate. I used to be 100Hiding/120 Stealth and I lowered my stealth to 80 and have noticed practically no difference as long as I'm wearing mediable armor. Stealth is really COOL in that you can get a LOT of stealth items: Embroidered oak leaf cloak +5 stealth, cloak of silence +10 stealth, a Britanian investigator cloak with +20 stealth, Shadow dancer legs +20 stealth... if the items fit your template and don't leave you lacking, use them- they will help you save skill points.
You are gonna want 120 Archery. Archery skill is one factor in determination of how much you hit and get hit. You don't wanna be the guy with 110 archery going against people with 120 weapon. You'll miss more and they'll hit more. Train arch to 100 and wear the hunter's headdress to get you to 120 if you cant afford the skill pts. Just be aware you'll take a hit elsewhere (resists) the more artifacts you use.
Use imbued Jewelry to your advantage. You can throw on stuff like HCI, DCI, Damage increase, Dex, and +Skill stuff.
you can sacred journey with JOAT chivalry but only with bonded pets. The lack of magery, chivalry, or vet is gonna hurt you in the healing the pet dept. Even a little bit of one of these skills - probably chiv - will be greatly beneficial to you. if you go with no vet your friend is gonna need it so you can pet res. the npc's arent adequate.
If you drop the hiding-stealth-ninjitsu and use a mountable pet (Beetle + Mare) you will gain a TON of skill pts back which can be used on things like vet, chivalry, meditation, resists, etc. I'm sure there's a way to make a template like this work, it's just VERY tight - taming and stealth are two heavy skills and don't leave room for the "damage" portion of your toon, nor the "support" portion of your toon. I wouldn't wholey rely on pets for damage in PVP because they have a habit of acting up at the most inoppoertune times.