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PVP mage weapons


Stratics Veteran
I wanted to craft a bow that I can pull out during pvp. Even though the bow is considered a mage weapon and goes off your magery skill, would it still require tactics and anatomy to be of any use? I wonder the same about all mage weapons and if there still needs to be that combat secondary skill to cause any real damage. What would be an example of a good pvp bow as far as magical abilities on it?


Stratics Veteran
To use both special moves you would need 90 in the Archery skill and Tactics. The damage is based mainly on your Tactics.

It depends what the intent with the weapon is, if you just want the minimum for specials, or if you want it to give extra damage to your main means.

Most PvP bows would be Balanced and have Hit Spell and Velocity.

Most people have Mage Weapons for the melee defense.


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While I don't PvP, there was a time 6-8 years ago (before I turned my mage into a Mystic/mage/weaver) that she couldn't get looting rights on my alliance's trips to Melisande, unless I supplemented my summons and spell damage with a mage weapon bow. (My tamer was still in training at the time, and the pets he could safely control tended to die quickly).

A mage weapon bow can be a bit of added offense and defense, but you have to weigh it against what your shield and book would give you. I think the tactics and weapon skill requirements are lower now, but the skill requirements for special moves are still there in some form.


Crazed Zealot
What is the mechanism/effects of using a mage weapon for defense? Info appreciated very much..


If you have a mage weapon equipped the weapon uses your magery skill rather than your weapon skill for chance to hit and defend.