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Pvp Guide for Trammies


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to make life easier for all the blue that boldly venturing in felucca.
This short guide is not definitive, is another way to go to make it easy to understand how the PVP.
Of course with this guide you will not go killing all the veterans in PvP, but it will cause you to not immediately die.
Is also clear that the leaders of my guild do not know of this guide; and they may or may not approve this guide in part or in whole.
But if you follow exactly this guide you will get at least get out of a fight not talking: "OOOoooOOO!"

PvP Guide for Trammies

I'll go out on a hunch here and assume that there are Trammel players who would like to try out PvP or at least be able to go to Felucca and hold their own in case of a meeting with PK's, but find themselves dying pretty quickly if they do so. In order to help them get started I thought I gather some general Information and tips for successful Player versus Player combat.

· Don't be afraid to die! You will die a lot in the beginning. PvP isn't easy and it will take a while to learn. But you will get better and start to die less often.

· Do not listen to smacktalk. Some PvP'er find it amusing to verbally abuse their victims or complain and curse if they lose. These are just pitiful characters. Try to ignore them. If you can't - use the "Ignore Player" feature of Ultima Online.


· Strength - important for all templates. With the help of item bonuses you want to end up somwhere beyond 120 hitpoints. The closer to the cap of 150 the better.

· Dexterity - key stat for warriors (hence the name dexxers). It influences the swing speed and heal times. So the higher the better. 140-150 is usually advised. Mages only need minimal dex (~25) to not get caught immobile by damage or by bumping into others.

· Intelligence - very important for mages. 100-125 usually advised so you end up with 120+ mana after items. Also important for warriors as special moves and spells from chivalry and bushido need mana too. Try to get as much mana increase as you can still cram into your suit. You should end up with at least 50+ mana.

There are many working templates in PvP, some of the most popular are:

· Mystic/Mage

· Necro/Mage

· Tamer/Mager

· Tamer/Archer

· Archer

Some Skills are "all or nothing" when it comes to PvP, meaning you should try to get 120 skill points or do not use that skill at all. These are (in my personal opinion):

· Resisting Spell

· Weapon Skill

· Magery

· Evaluation Intelligence

· Mysticism

· Focus (if combined with Mysticism)

With other skills you try to get away with east amount of points in skills that you can and still get the most out of it. Examples:

· Healing - 90 is usually enough

· Chivalry - somewhere between 60-80 si most common

· Necromancy - often only take to 105 to cast Wither 100%

· Hiding - often kept around 80

· Stealth - often kept around 80

There are many, many ways to set up a great PvP suit, but in the end, you should aim for the max. - in other words, try to take theessential propertiesto the cap.

· Resists - should be all 70 (75 in energy if you're an elf). Many people like to have fire and poison resist higher than 70 to diminish the effects of corpse skin from a necromancer

· Lower Reagent Cost - 100% (if you need regs)

· Lower Mana Cost - 40%

· Faster Casting - 2 (if you're a caster)

· Faster Cast Recovery - 6 (if you're a caster)

· Hit Chance Increase - 45% (if you have a weapon skill)

· Defense Chance - 45% is good, 70 is perfect (then you're still at the 45% cap after hit with Hit Lower Defense. Pretty much all Dexxers use HLD)

· Swing Speed Increase - as high as you need to swing once every 1.25 seconds

· Regenerations - high mana reg (7+) is always a good idea. The benefit of a lot of Hitpoint regeneration is debated and the need for Stamina Reg depends on your char having focus or not.

· Stat Increases - as many as you can still cram onto your suit

General Tactics

· Keep moving. It's usually better to stay in motion than to stand still and offer the opponent an easy target.

· Don't be too proud to run away if you're low on health. Of course there are situation like duels where it is considered bad form to flee, but out on the field it's often the wiser action to get a screen or two away to heal and regroup before rejoining the fight.

· Stay close to your friends. It's much harder to fight a group that stays together and attacks the same target.

· Try to scatter the enemy. It's easier to kill single targets than a group that stays together and fights back.

· Try to inflict poison, bleed, strangle, mortal or other effects on your target that prohibit healing and may interrupt spells.

· Carry enchanted apples and use them if get cursed and to remove effects that prohibit healing. Do that even if you are able to cast remove curse or cleansing winds as they save you a spell that could be interrupted and you can use that spell to dish out damage.

Mage Tactics

· Do not use Protection, because you are casting too slow if you do. The opponent could heal faster than you do damage if you use protection. (There are exceptions to this rule for certain templates like Bushido/Mystics or Mystic healers)

· Use small fast spell rather than big spells that can easily interupted.

Fighter Tactics

· Use fast weapons - especially against mages in order to interrupt their spells.

· Use weapons with hit effects for a little extra damage.

That's it for now, just a quick guide, but I will keep updating it. I do hope for further input from other PvP'ers in this threat.

Note that all of the above is my personal opinion - others might disagree.

Have fun!
I senn you in Felucca!



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, but you should never have only 80 hiding when you need the skill to save your life. GM it at a minimum. As far as 80 stealth, good call unless a player wants to stealth in more than leather armor...la


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, but you should never have only 80 hiding when you need the skill to save your life. GM it at a minimum. As far as 80 stealth, good call unless a player wants to stealth in more than leather armor...la
hiding is a secondary skill and theres usually not enough room for more.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good very useful post.
Only thing, "· Defense Chance - 45% is good, 70 is perfect (then you're still at the 45% cap after hit with Hit Lower Defense. Pretty much all Dexxers use HLD)" is out of date.
this only works with refined non-med suits now and the lower resists isnt a great tradeoff.
with how hld works now overcapping isnt as great / simple as it used to be and i definitely wouldnt recomend it for a someone just getting into building their first pvp suit.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, but you should never have only 80 hiding when you need the skill to save your life. GM it at a minimum. As far as 80 stealth, good call unless a player wants to stealth in more than leather armor...la
Um you can 120 it?

Never put hiding on a char unless you have stealth. It will just teach you to hide from a fight, you will die to people who want to win and hiding won't help. You are better off to try and fight, inflict some damage. Use specials like bleed/low level spells to keep people slightly off guard. Time and save mana for when you can dump with a real chance of killing. Fight, Fight and Fight some more. Death has no downside in this game and winning has all the glory.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rico is correct. You definitely want 100 hiding. I find 70-80 stealth enough in normal leather. Stealth checks against hiding so you don't wanna be walking hidden and fail as you only have 80 or so hiding.

You do however want more stealth if your using death strike etc. As the damage is based on ninjitsu, hiding, and stealth.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh yeah good old general chat.

Kill someone in game then wait for "you are so bad" even though you killed them.

This is one I never got myself. The person who died calling the person who did the killing bad....erm ok


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hiding is a secondary skill and theres usually not enough room for more.
If you plan to use hiding in your template to hide from a fight, you want GM and GM only. Why would you want to risk death (if you are worried about it) by haveing a chance to fail to hide?...la


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Um you can 120 it?

Never put hiding on a char unless you have stealth.
Nah you can't but if you want hiding in your template it should be GM only. That being said, having hiding on a pvp template seems silly since the only thing you can use it to do is to hide from a other players. Stealth gives you the ability to stalk a victim/opponent, but isn't a must.

As a thief, you don't have to have stealth. Hiding will help you get away plenty of times. You just have to wait until the crowd leaves the area you are hidden in, or at least plan an escape route while you are sitting in the shadows...la

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay... question from a 17 year noob..

How do you know when curse has been cast on you? I'm a good witch, not a bad witch!

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
I do not think anyone is actually scared of PVP in this game as you have no real risk. There is a major reason most I know who do not PVP avoid it.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, but you should never have only 80 hiding when you need the skill to save your life. GM it at a minimum. As far as 80 stealth, good call unless a player wants to stealth in more than leather armor...la
yeah, well if you is discovered ... no matter if you are with maximum cap...I have also a ninja, and I can say from a while now ninjas no longer has the same power ... we were just relieved to a simple spy, or thief:(


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good very useful post.
Only thing, "· Defense Chance - 45% is good, 70 is perfect (then you're still at the 45% cap after hit with Hit Lower Defense. Pretty much all Dexxers use HLD)" is out of date.
this only works with refined non-med suits now and the lower resists isnt a great tradeoff.
with how hld works now overcapping isnt as great / simple as it used to be and i definitely wouldnt recomend it for a someone just getting into building their first pvp suit.
thank you! but I think like you, but assuming that this would be his first suit, and taking into account the current price (in shard Europe) and the difficulty of obtaining certain materials ... yes this is in my opinion to get a good suit


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and always use general chat for harrasing the winner and make out u were ganked 4 to 1 or 5 to 1 ...etc etc... or they use a cheat.... etc etc when the trammy take u down

this is a MUST for any bad loser pvper
I thought a lot before posting this help for those who have no idea about how to venture into felucca.
of course sometimes have the clear certainty that someone cheats...these are the garbage of the game and embarrass the essence of Uo...
and also I'm not wanting to "a new shipment of Easy targets" to post this thread...
the true Pvp want a fighter to his height, not sheep to kill...
and another thing ... pvp is very expensive, I will not waste my time in game killing innocent players ... Heather has pvp who wants to kill everything you see...
as I said at the beginning of the discussion, my intention is to make one tramie walk by felucca knowing that will not die in a few seconds, but you are sure that at least will get away.

Ron Bron

Former President
Stratics Veteran
I would like to make life easier for all the blue that boldly venturing in felucca.
This short guide is not definitive, is another way to go to make it easy to understand how the PVP.
Of course with this guide you will not go killing all the veterans in PvP, but it will cause you to not immediately die.
Is also clear that the leaders of my guild do not know of this guide; and they may or may not approve this guide in part or in whole.
But if you follow exactly this guide you will get at least get out of a fight not talking: "OOOoooOOO!"

PvP Guide for Trammies

I'll go out on a hunch here and assume that there are Trammel players who would like to try out PvP or at least be able to go to Felucca and hold their own in case of a meeting with PK's, but find themselves dying pretty quickly if they do so. In order to help them get started I thought I gather some general Information and tips for successful Player versus Player combat.

· Don't be afraid to die! You will die a lot in the beginning. PvP isn't easy and it will take a while to learn. But you will get better and start to die less often.

· Do not listen to smacktalk. Some PvP'er find it amusing to verbally abuse their victims or complain and curse if they lose. These are just pitiful characters. Try to ignore them. If you can't - use the "Ignore Player" feature of Ultima Online.


· Strength - important for all templates. With the help of item bonuses you want to end up somwhere beyond 120 hitpoints. The closer to the cap of 150 the better.

· Dexterity - key stat for warriors (hence the name dexxers). It influences the swing speed and heal times. So the higher the better. 140-150 is usually advised. Mages only need minimal dex (~25) to not get caught immobile by damage or by bumping into others.

· Intelligence - very important for mages. 100-125 usually advised so you end up with 120+ mana after items. Also important for warriors as special moves and spells from chivalry and bushido need mana too. Try to get as much mana increase as you can still cram into your suit. You should end up with at least 50+ mana.

There are many working templates in PvP, some of the most popular are:

· Mystic/Mage

· Necro/Mage

· Tamer/Mager

· Tamer/Archer

· Archer

Some Skills are "all or nothing" when it comes to PvP, meaning you should try to get 120 skill points or do not use that skill at all. These are (in my personal opinion):

· Resisting Spell

· Weapon Skill

· Magery

· Evaluation Intelligence

· Mysticism

· Focus (if combined with Mysticism)

With other skills you try to get away with east amount of points in skills that you can and still get the most out of it. Examples:

· Healing - 90 is usually enough

· Chivalry - somewhere between 60-80 si most common

· Necromancy - often only take to 105 to cast Wither 100%

· Hiding - often kept around 80

· Stealth - often kept around 80

There are many, many ways to set up a great PvP suit, but in the end, you should aim for the max. - in other words, try to take theessential propertiesto the cap.

· Resists - should be all 70 (75 in energy if you're an elf). Many people like to have fire and poison resist higher than 70 to diminish the effects of corpse skin from a necromancer

· Lower Reagent Cost - 100% (if you need regs)

· Lower Mana Cost - 40%

· Faster Casting - 2 (if you're a caster)

· Faster Cast Recovery - 6 (if you're a caster)

· Hit Chance Increase - 45% (if you have a weapon skill)

· Defense Chance - 45% is good, 70 is perfect (then you're still at the 45% cap after hit with Hit Lower Defense. Pretty much all Dexxers use HLD)

· Swing Speed Increase - as high as you need to swing once every 1.25 seconds

· Regenerations - high mana reg (7+) is always a good idea. The benefit of a lot of Hitpoint regeneration is debated and the need for Stamina Reg depends on your char having focus or not.

· Stat Increases - as many as you can still cram onto your suit

General Tactics

· Keep moving. It's usually better to stay in motion than to stand still and offer the opponent an easy target.

· Don't be too proud to run away if you're low on health. Of course there are situation like duels where it is considered bad form to flee, but out on the field it's often the wiser action to get a screen or two away to heal and regroup before rejoining the fight.

· Stay close to your friends. It's much harder to fight a group that stays together and attacks the same target.

· Try to scatter the enemy. It's easier to kill single targets than a group that stays together and fights back.

· Try to inflict poison, bleed, strangle, mortal or other effects on your target that prohibit healing and may interrupt spells.

· Carry enchanted apples and use them if get cursed and to remove effects that prohibit healing. Do that even if you are able to cast remove curse or cleansing winds as they save you a spell that could be interrupted and you can use that spell to dish out damage.

Mage Tactics

· Do not use Protection, because you are casting too slow if you do. The opponent could heal faster than you do damage if you use protection. (There are exceptions to this rule for certain templates like Bushido/Mystics or Mystic healers)

· Use small fast spell rather than big spells that can easily interupted.

Fighter Tactics

· Use fast weapons - especially against mages in order to interrupt their spells.

· Use weapons with hit effects for a little extra damage.

That's it for now, just a quick guide, but I will keep updating it. I do hope for further input from other PvP'ers in this threat.

Note that all of the above is my personal opinion - others might disagree.

Have fun!
I senn you in Felucca!

Excellent article. Interested in publishing it outside of the forum?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good very useful post.
Only thing, "· Defense Chance - 45% is good, 70 is perfect (then you're still at the 45% cap after hit with Hit Lower Defense. Pretty much all Dexxers use HLD)" is out of date.
this only works with refined non-med suits now and the lower resists isnt a great tradeoff.
with how hld works now overcapping isnt as great / simple as it used to be and i definitely wouldnt recomend it for a someone just getting into building their first pvp suit.
I was under the assumption a hard cap was put in at 45?


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
Stratics Veteran
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Social Media Liaison
Campaign Supporter
My two cents regarding the smack talk..
If you don't like it.. or find someone unusually idiotic.. putting them on ignore is a good option.... BUT keep in mind, when you do so you can no longer read what spells they are casting. So in mage vs mage scenarios, it makes timing rather difficult.

Just keep that in mind before you ignore 90% of pvpers. Leaving general chat during pvp is the best option.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I still don't get what his "la" is all about myself mate!
That's funny you mention it, cause I've asked him twice and he remains a mystery ... la - some sort of taunting musical note is all I can figure :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
[QUOTE = "Uriah Heep, post: 2477372, membro: 2590"] Eu sou seu agente, podemos negociar ;)[/ QUOTE]


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was under the assumption a hard cap was put in at 45?
as I can answer without the devs see? humm... well almost a cheat, the cap is actually 45%, but ... above that, when someone uses hit that lowers your defense ... the cap is there can not be ignored ... but the share of damage that you receive is less... enough for you to stay alive... I think so it is good, no? :bs:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not to be a troll or anything.
But i really fail to see how this guide will help anyone new to pvp.

Best advice i can give anyone new to pvp is this.
Join a PVP guild, ask your new "friends" to teach you the robes.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To get good at PvP I suggest not even putting hiding/stealth..learn the game mechanics stay and fight, and don't let mages sync dump on you. When I'm screen and the two mages cast Kal Vas Flam - Flamestrike I suggest running down a screen or two. They key is not standing there and dying, move around.

Use spellweaving buffs..even the JOAT can save your life

Have 25 hit point increase(every hp counts) 140 is not "oh well good enough"

Magic Resist isnt a deal breaker just make sure you always have a box (and I suggest practicing before going this route)

Always always always use potions/apples..

Key to avoiding general chat antics
- don't talk trash yourself
-always say good fight when you die
-no they aren't hacking
-no you don't need to hack to win
-yes they are probably 40 years old in their moms basement(don't remind them)
-they aren't the noob if your dead

And last but not least practice, practice, practice.

..see Ya out there!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
+1 to the above and more to the NO HIDING. Way back in 1998 those who had hiding died and nothing has changed since then, you can't leave and there is a good chance that a player noticed you.


Stratics Veteran
So, buddies, thats a tips for solo-pvp=) Lets talk about right gang-tactics and templates)

When I played before, I usually use Ninja-Archer as support char in gang for dismounting and slowdown victims)
This template not work without hiding and stealth


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In a zerg atmosphere, you really dont need hide or stealth. You have your team mates to help you survive. Either add more offensive or healing/defensive skills into the template instead of wasting at least 180 points on skills that basically take you out of a team environment...unless of course you are acting as their bloodhound/scout...la


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do not think anyone is actually scared of PVP in this game as you have no real risk. There is a major reason most I know who do not PVP avoid it.
Your words show that you really have no clue what pvp is about so I am not sure why you are commenting on it.
Pvp is not about risk and and has not ever been about risk. It is about excitement and matching skills/wits with other players.
Pvm on the other hand, while useful as a means to get gear for pvp, is mindless, dull and repetitive.
This ofc means that there is zero real excitement involved. This is I guess ok if you have never pvped as you wont know real excitement or what you are missing but otherwise I am guessing that it would be a little like kissing your sister maybe?
Sure you are puckering your lips but there aint no thrill there.
Unless you live south of New Jersey. From what I hear all bets are off then :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, buddies, thats a tips for solo-pvp=) Lets talk about right gang-tactics and templates)

When I played before, I usually use Ninja-Archer as support char in gang for dismounting and slowdown victims)
This template not work without hiding and stealth
Why wouldn't a ninja archer not work without stealth or hiding?

You mean a hiding dismounter..but if you'd actually invest time into learning survival/offensive tactics you would realize you become exponentially more powerful with more offense/defense ability in a group..hiding/stealth just adds the run away assistance, no real advantage other than that..not unless you have an amazing suit and worked in some hybrid archer/fencer Deathstriker..which imo would be nasty if possible

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your words show that you really have no clue what pvp is about so I am not sure why you are commenting on it.
Pvp is not about risk and and has not ever been about risk. It is about excitement and matching skills/wits with other players.
Pvm on the other hand, while useful as a means to get gear for pvp, is mindless, dull and repetitive.
This ofc means that there is zero real excitement involved. This is I guess ok if you have never pvped as you wont know real excitement or what you are missing but otherwise I am guessing that it would be a little like kissing your sister maybe?
Sure you are puckering your lips but there aint no thrill there.
Unless you live south of New Jersey. From what I hear all bets are off then :)
disagree about your view of pvm. yes it is not like other games where there is at least some skill & teamwork involved, but there are glimpses of excitement. DROPS. its like chasing the crack rock. you get a drop and that hit of crack makes you want more, so you grind and mindless waste your life away in hopes of the next hit :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
stealth can sometime be used as a filler to get your 300 lmc points if you dont have 2 weapons skills, but especially with changes to archery, and to armor over the years its an even worse skill for archers than it used to be.

modern characters (except uber melee deathsrikers like cadazor said) are severely limited by stealth. it is not worth it and makes for a weak character. Only character i would consider putting stealth on would be an idocer.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your words show that you really have no clue what pvp is about so I am not sure why you are commenting on it.
Pvp is not about risk and and has not ever been about risk. It is about excitement and matching skills/wits with other players.
Pvm on the other hand, while useful as a means to get gear for pvp, is mindless, dull and repetitive.
This ofc means that there is zero real excitement involved. This is I guess ok if you have never pvped as you wont know real excitement or what you are missing but otherwise I am guessing that it would be a little like kissing your sister maybe?
Sure you are puckering your lips but there aint no thrill there.
Unless you live south of New Jersey. From what I hear all bets are off then :)
Wow Goldberg, pretty judgmental there, in my opinion. I disagree with your opinion that PvM isn't exciting. I do not PvP in game. I have however, over the course of my life, "PvPed" IN REAL LIFE. So I suspect I know what "real excitement" is. I have no need to beat up people on a computer. You want excitement? Try that, instead of clicking your mouse, and then bragging about it in general chat (to show everyone how tough and cool you are).

That being said, I have plenty of fun and excitement when I get nice "drops" from monsters, craft an UBER piece of armor, or craft that once in a lifetime (for me, so far) super slayer scrapper. So I say, to each his/her own. Whatever you have fun doing in game, go for it.

Always remember, IT IS A GAME, not a substitute for having a real life.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ofc it was judgmental. Blood Ghoul is
Wow Goldberg, pretty judgmental there, in my opinion. I disagree with your opinion that PvM isn't exciting. I do not PvP in game. I have however, over the course of my life, "PvPed" IN REAL LIFE. So I suspect I know what "real excitement" is. I have no need to beat up people on a computer. You want excitement? Try that, instead of clicking your mouse, and then bragging about it in general chat (to show everyone how tough and cool you are).

That being said, I have plenty of fun and excitement when I get nice "drops" from monsters, craft an UBER piece of armor, or craft that once in a lifetime (for me, so far) super slayer scrapper. So I say, to each his/her own. Whatever you have fun doing in game, go for it.

Always remember, IT IS A GAME, not a substitute for having a real life.
1) I was judgmental because I believe Blood Ghoul hijacked a thread meant to be an informative guide with his off topic and ill informed opinion of pvp. The OP spent a lot of time writing up a guide to try and help people. He did not start a post asking for pvp opinions from non pvpers.
Or am I wrong and Blood Ghoul is a current experienced pvper?

2) You are weird. Why in the world would you feel the need to tell us that u 'PvPed" in real life?
I don't think that anyone is beating anyone up on a computer by playing UO but if that is how you see it I really wonder what you think about people killing and looting people on a computer because that is exactly what you do to play the game. Pvp and pvm.
No offense but you clearly seem to be the one with blurred lines between reality and a game :)

Are you Chuck Norris in rl btw?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ofc it was judgmental. Blood Ghoul is

1) I was judgmental because I believe Blood Ghoul hijacked a thread meant to be an informative guide with his off topic and ill informed opinion of pvp. The OP spent a lot of time writing up a guide to try and help people. He did not start a post asking for pvp opinions from non pvpers.
Or am I wrong and Blood Ghoul is a current experienced pvper?

2) You are weird. Why in the world would you feel the need to tell us that u 'PvPed" in real life?
I don't think that anyone is beating anyone up on a computer by playing UO but if that is how you see it I really wonder what you think about people killing and looting people on a computer because that is exactly what you do to play the game. Pvp and pvm.
No offense but you clearly seem to be the one with blurred lines between reality and a game :)

Are you Chuck Norris in rl btw?
LOL, no I'm not Chuck Norris. I am ex-military though. I reread my post, and it kind of came out wrong I guess. My point was that it's not exciting to beat up people IN A GAME. There are RL instances that have a much greater "excitement factor". I completely disagree with your statement that " if you have never pvped as you wont know real excitement", and mentioned my RL experience as an example of something that does.

FYI, In my opinion, mentioning that not PvPing is like "kissing your sister" is pretty sad. ROFL
Last edited:

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
Your words show that you really have no clue what pvp is about so I am not sure why you are commenting on it.
Pvp is not about risk and and has not ever been about risk. It is about excitement and matching skills/wits with other players.
Pvm on the other hand, while useful as a means to get gear for pvp, is mindless, dull and repetitive.
This ofc means that there is zero real excitement involved. This is I guess ok if you have never pvped as you wont know real excitement or what you are missing but otherwise I am guessing that it would be a little like kissing your sister maybe?
Sure you are puckering your lips but there aint no thrill there.
Unless you live south of New Jersey. From what I hear all bets are off then :)
It was not my intent to hijack the thread nor turn this into a personal attack against one another.

Did I used to PVP in UO? Quite a bit but never exclusively nor did I ever claim to be the best at it. While the original poster did put some thought into it, and there have been several threads like this in the past, the one point they never make when trying to "Lure" new/unfamiliar players into PVP is you will be going up against people using third party exploits. Bottom line. If you are not going to be a cheater then you are going to be at a serious disadvantage. Not every PVP'r cheats but a large number do. While you shouldn't be afraid to PVP since you do not lose much its frustrating and not much fun. While you say "Its skill against skill" thats only true if both are cheating or neither are. Two people shouldn't be in the same race if one is riding a bicycle and the other a motorcycle.