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  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
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I'm doing one of the puzzle rooms. There are 3 chests in this room, and I've already solved the first 2 puzzles, but have no clue on the final puzzle. I've been looking but I'm not finding this puzzle, or at least pics that looks like this, in any of the puzzle threads. Would anyone happen to know the solution to this? I'll never be able to figure it out myself. I suck at these things. Thanks for your help!



Stratics Legend
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you select the box you want to fill with color by clicking a check mark under it, then select the color you want in that box by clicking the little button next to the color

Shamus Turlough

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It works like a mastermind puzzle. Finally something im good at. The easiest way to start is by putting the first color in every box and see if you get any right. Then by some trial and error, you can start replacing them with the next color to see when the right one disappears and see where the correct position is.


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That looks like the standard Khaldun Treasure chest setup, in which case it will be random each time (stays same until you open & loot it).

If it works like Khaldun, Lockpicking skill will give you clues. Knowing the colors isn't even really needed; just knowing which of the 8 "gem" boxes you are clicking.

My way of brute forcing it, is the following:

Pick all the first color, for all the slots.

Now, you will set a trap off. Heal, and note the result.

IT will say x/5 are the right color, and y/5 are in the right spot. Since all the ones chosen were the same color, x & y will be the same.

if that number is greater than 0, note it.

Repeat for the next color gem box.

When you get one or more colors that have at least one in the combination, and one color that is NOT, start trying to determine the proper spots for the good color(s).

Example: after testing the first 4 colors on the left side, "diamonds" are 2, "turquiose" are 1, "emeralds" are 1 and "citrine" are 0. (in order, going down the side)

Go through, and put diamond in slot 1, and fill the rest with citrine. If the diamond is in a correct slot, you will get a message saying 1/5 are correct. if not, redo with the diamond in slot 2, with the rest citrine, etc. Typically, you only have to do this 1-4 times with a single gem, as if you don't find the right spot after the 4th, you'll now it goes in slot 5.

Say, in this example, it goes into slot 2, and is a match. Now, you have a second diamond to place. You'll now it doesn't go into slot 1, and that slot 2 is already a diamond. So try it in slot 3, CDDCC. If you get 2/5 right, you're ready to move to the next gem type. if only 1/5, redo, shifting to CDCDC. If it's 2/5 you're set; if it's not, well, it could only go into slot 5, so you're done with that gem. We'll say we've determined a pattern of xDxxD, so far.

Now, moving to the turquoise. Go ahead and put the diamonds in slots 2 & 5, and try the turquoise in slot 1; put citrine in slots 3 & 4. If it is in the right space, it will now say 3/5 are in the correct spots. If not, swap slots 1 & 3. If that doesn't work, you'd then know it goes into slot 4. For this example, we'll say you found it went into slot 3.

This brings you to the green gem (we'll call it emerald, for now). we know the pattern so far is (unknown)/Diamond/Turquoise/(unknown)/Diamond, or x/D/T/x/D.

Try to the green gem in slot 1. If it's not a match, then it will be slot 4. Simple one or the other situation. For this example, it will be slot 4.

That gives us the first unknown, the rest D/T/E/D.

Now, enter the 4 you know, then try the 4 remaining colors, one at a time in the unknown slot (with the 4 already determined in the right spot). When you find the right one, it will automatically pop open.


Dang. That's an awful lot to get done in the 10 minutes it gives you.


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it actually goes a lot quicker - usually takes me 1-2 minutes to do a Khaldun chest with the exact same setup - seconds, if the Khaldun chest Lockpick bonus still applies.


I guess next time I'll try it on my thief w/GM Lockpicking and see if it gives any extra clues. I'm thinking that may have been forgotten to have been added.


Stratics Legend
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You could do it if you were color blind. It wouldnt even matter that much if you have a good memory. What I do is put a color down until it says i have one in the right place, then move on to the next hole. if you go through it all and still says you only have 3-4 right, then you have all the right gems colors down in the first ones, so just plug those in. Its the easiest puzzle for me, cept for the one I cheat on heh.


Babbling Loonie
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It's like mastermind.

Just do it systematically. People with colour deficiency can do this with no problems, just remember which pegs you have selected to putting on each of the 5 pedestrals.

Split the 8 types of pegs into the left columns and right columns.

Left 1, Left 2, Left 3, Left 4
Right 1, Right 2, Right 3, Right 4

Start with putting Left 1 on all 5 pedestrals, and work your way down.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess next time I'll try it on my thief w/GM Lockpicking and see if it gives any extra clues. I'm thinking that may have been forgotten to have been added.

It does give you extra clues. My GM lockpicking (t-hunter) got a few xtra tidbits in the center area where there is nothing on your SS. It just tells you the color of the peg in the first position and 3 other colors that are possible in the other positions.

I had a rough time with that puzzle too. When I got it the first time I had my a-ha moment and havent had any issues w/it since. As others have posted you can do it w/o the clues systematically. The clues just speed things up a little.


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There is actually a very simple procedure for this puzzle (regardless of lockpicking skill).

Start with the first box. Working from the top left peg... place each color into that box until you get 1 of 2 messages.

1) Something about have 1 correctly placed.
2) Something about having 1 in the wrong spot.

Obviously, if you get option 1 then you move to the next box and start over. If you get option 2... then that means there is a light blue peg... just not in box 1. In this case.. move the light blue peg to each box until it says you have it in the correct box. Remember that you can have more than one of the same colors in the puzzle.

Example: Lets say you get lucky and box 1 is light blue. You will get a message saying you have 1 correct. Then you move to box 2 and place a light blue into it. The message reads you have 1 correct and 1 wrong. These means you have atleast 2 light blue pegs in the solution to your puzzle. Since you already know box 1 is correct... move the light blue peg in box 2 to each box until you get the message that you have 2 correct.

It is that simple... GOOD LUCK!!

The Fallout

I'm doing one of the puzzle rooms. There are 3 chests in this room, and I've already solved the first 2 puzzles, but have no clue on the final puzzle. I've been looking but I'm not finding this puzzle, or at least pics that looks like this, in any of the puzzle threads. Would anyone happen to know the solution to this? I'll never be able to figure it out myself. I suck at these things. Thanks for your help!

Ohh I had fun with that puzzle and once I got a strategy down I completed it 10 seconds before time ran out.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, I have a real hard time seeing the colors of some of those gems. I'm not color blind, but color deficent, so it makes some colors look too close togehter.

I'd like to see numbers on there.


Always Present
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If you're color blind just convert in your brain each gem into a number. This will help.
To solve the puzzle put #1(color) into the first box and click the arrow. If the #1(color) is in the correct box it will let you know, if it is not in the correct box but is used in the solution it will let you know.
Do this with each of the numbers (aka colors) until you find out which ones are used in the puzzle.
Then you continue till you find the order the numbers (colors) go in.
It's a very easy puzzle really.