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[Discussion] Putting Shard Names on Items is Nonsense

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I just wanted to see what everyone thinks about having shard names attached to event items. Personally I think it is ridiculous and takes you out of the experience. In a role-play sense, you have no idea that other shards exist. The entire shard is self-contained. Referencing the name of the world is out of place.

It might even encourage collectors to get a shard collection of an item. Cross-shard trading of rare event items is bad enough already. Now they are going to open the door for someone to collect 13 of the same item, just with different shard names?


I think it's a bit of a torn topic. . . should they add shard names? It really is a coin toss. It can add just as much to a shard specific player getting it as far as importance vs. opening the door for cross-shard collectors to want. Isn't it too late to really worry about that point though?

We already have lists of event items that are broken down into shards, so shard specific collections can/do already exist. I'm not a fan of taking event/rare items from their shard of birth, but it's been too long already to change it now. Too much time has gone by since the start of transferring characters and setting limits on what can cross boundaries. More thought should have gone into it before it was implemented yes; but it's too late now. Too much has been lost from every shard already.

Maybe it's time, as far as RP is concerned, that an event be done where we learn we're not alone as a world. A fair amount of role players already play characters that come from different places (and different worlds). I don't doubt any community could handle it; many may even enjoy it.

And with rares, maybe the EM's are doing the right thing with setting up museums. That no items be handed out doesn't seem right, but that at least one of each is kept and housed seems very appropriate for historical sake.


Slightly Crazed
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I actually prefer the names on the items... then again I have no interest in having something with another shards name on it. I was disapointed that the easter eggs dropped on Chesapeake didn't say Chesapeake.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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Now they are going to open the door for someone to collect 13 of the same item, just with different shard names?
I don't see this any differently than collecting one of every color of Stuffy Mongbat. If someone wants to collect "one from every shard", then let them. The items ar no more or less rare regardless of who has them and what items they have it displayed with.

Kepp the names and keep the new EMs busy.

Stayin Alive,


Gus of Llanowar

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A fair amount of role players already play characters that come from different places (and different worlds). I don't doubt any community could handle it; many may even enjoy it.
which other worlds are you refering to? Which world are u from?


Crazed Zealot
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Wasn't there a fiction at one point of Lord British and Nystul opening up a gate to all the other 'shards' and they all did it at the sametime?

Wraith One

Actually, I think that adding shard names to certain items is more knowledgeable and respectful of that shard. Take the easter eggs for example. I'm pretty sure they handed out the same named eggs on more than 1 shard, but with a shard name attached to it makes them different. Lets the owner and the buyer of an item know where it originated from. The original person to obtain it would know. That is just a given. I've seen some extremely rare and exotic items that are so old and unknown that a little origination history attached to it is helpful. Once an item gets up there in years its potential for changing hands increases causing the new owner if its traded, to wonder where it came from.


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Generally, I don't like it. You can personalize items for a shard in other ways. However, in some cases it is a good option.


Lore Keeper
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Hmm.... I guess it is kind of like having a fine gold necklace with someone else's name on it. It's just not right. =)

Actually, I don't mind having shard names on items now. It used to bother me somewhat.



shard names just help in item collection and origination. It would be quite confusing and a bit boring if everything looked the same from shard to shard. Not to mention there are items out there that don't have a visible shard name but are associated with a shard. IE: Europa gold robes


Considering some items in the past have shard names, it's not all bad as it gives the item a bit of history. That being said, however, having shard names on all items is a little too much IMO.


Always Present
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IMO...Items Given out with shard names is trying to combat the x- multi-shard rat pack methinks....Tis good move for sure and hey!!!! its nothing new !!! quite a few of the older EM Items have shard names on em!!


Babbling Loonie
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I also think its a good idea.. so many items have filtered to other shards and lost their backgrounds compeltely.. at least this way people looking for the history of an item know where to start looking.


Always Present
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Take for instance why the hell would a europa player like me want a sash that says ''runner up in the oceania boat race''....or whatever...etc etc

Same with the easter eggs of late....I being a Europa player would only be interested in the 7 different named eggs and the xx colours given out on europa only.....Why the hell would i want an easter eggs from Atlantic????


Lore Keeper
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Take for instance why the hell would a europa player like me want a sash that says ''runner up in the oceania boat race''....or whatever...etc etc

Same with the easter eggs of late....I being a Europa player would only be interested in the 7 different named eggs and the xx colours given out on europa only.....Why the hell would i want an easter eggs from Atlantic????
Some of us play more than one shard.



Always Present
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Some of us play more than one shard.

The point being why would u want a item from a shard u ''dont'' play [end].

And why?? would u want a item on one shard from another shard that u also play????[dbl end]


Lore Keeper
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I'll assume you are sincere and really don't understand, so I will try to explain.

The point being why would u want a item from a shard u ''dont'' play [end].
Some people, in game, collect items similar to the way people collect things in real life. Some people collect movie star memorabilia, some people collect rock star t-shirts, others might collect elephant figurines from around the world (I collect none of the above, btw. I collect antique books.)They don't have to be the movie star or rock star or even know them, to get pleasure from owning things from them or about them.

My husband collects UO sashes. It seems to me that he would like to own one of each rare in game sash. For whatever reason, he enjoys collecting them.

I collect vet reward dye tubs. We have hundreds and hundreds of them. It's ridiculous. I know it is, but I enjoy stacking them up. We found they wouldn't sell, back when we got so many from IDOCs, so we started keeping them. If they had shard names on them that would be even better for me. It would add variety to my collection.

And why?? would u want a item on one shard from another shard that u also play????[dbl end]
I would want items from one shard I play shipped to another shard that I play because I collect them and like to keep my collection together. I get the most pleasure from having my favorite things all in the same place.

We are all different and have our own play styles. That's another thing that is great about UO - it's a game and we can play however we want, as long as we abide by the rules.


Wraith One

Allow me to make a nice example of something unknown.

Now, we see an item with no shard name. Good luck finding out what shard or history behind this item has, while your at it look in the event items list manticore has, and you wont find this listed. I, however know the whereabouts of this item, but I don't know the origins. So in this case we say its a rare item with no known history? How do I even begin to trace an item's history without even a glimpse of knowledge from it?


Always Present
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Still i say.... Naming shard items will help combat the anti social rat pack cross sharders.. thats to say........ were at the end of an EM Event all u see is nameless unknown players spamming ''xx new item sale for xx gold''

I want my shard to share OUR shards gifts to OUR SHARD players[END]


Always Present
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I also think its a good idea.. so many items have filtered to other shards and lost their backgrounds compeltely.. at least this way people looking for the history of an item know where to start looking.
BANG on the button............


Crazed Zealot
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Bottom line is different strokes for different folks. There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to collect things. If it makes you happy, who gives a crap of other people's opinion :D


I think that for Easter items perhaps the shard name is a good idea - because Easter is an acknowledgement of something outside of the actual game itself, so you can justify having the shard there too..

If that doesn't make sense, how about the opposite case. What reason would there be for a shard name on an item that, although probably assumed will be rare, is not made to be identified with anything other than the event with which it is associated.

Why would you put like "An orcish engineer toolkit.. FROM EUROPA"? or "A vine cord with a talisman.. FROM ATLANTIC"? It just doesnt sound right is all..

EM Sashes with the EM name would do good with a shard name maybe.. eggs, christmas gifts etc.. all make sense to have shard names on, as they are from that shard's event runners to that specific shard as a whole

Gus of Llanowar

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well if you have something that says made in America or made in Canada doesnt it have more rlevance than made in mexico or made in china. its about being proud to have an item made in your home shard. For people that like hand tools why Snap On over Stanley. thats the way i see it.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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The point being why would u want a item from a shard u ''dont'' play [end].

And why?? would u want a item on one shard from another shard that u also play????[dbl end]
I have owned such items before. A tag is certainly not going to stop anyone from buying it on another shard.

Why? because often the graphic is cool or you just like to collect anything and everything that you are able to afford.

People don't just play according to THP's handbook of playing Ultima Online. However, if you are a hardcore RP'er you might not appreciate random tags floating on an item mentioning things that should be unknown to you in character.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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well if you have something that says made in America or made in Canada doesnt it have more rlevance than made in mexico or made in china. its about being proud to have an item made in your home shard. For people that like hand tools why Snap On over Stanley. thats the way i see it.

The above is not a good analogy simply because in the real world a major portion of what dictates an item is more desirable than another from various countries is because of quality and affordability. Sure buy "American" has always been the slogan but thats when things were roughly the same but when you throw in affordability and/or quality that changes things. In this case, made in Atlantic vs made in Baja are the same in all manner of things except for the words. It might make a difference to a small group of people but I don't think its a major deciding factor for the majority.