Suggestions regarding player knowledge of account balances
@Kyronix ...
When we pull up the NPC vendor interaction, there is a spot that says "Gold Avail: xxx" which draws value from whatever gold is in a character's pak.
Can that be changed to read the Current Gold Balance (CGB)?
And when purchasing from a Player Vendor, the "agree to purchase" gump shows the amount of the purchase. Is it feasible to include the CGB from the bank accounts as well? Something like this (of course made prettier):
Further, with gold collection, is it being planned that when we loot monsters, the gold is insta-transferred to the bank (a la WoW & other games) to the point where there is no actual gold in use? If so, it would serve to allow players to know their CGB at any time, and wouldn't be a bad idea to change the Character Status Gump to actually show that balance (in CC) and to find a way to display that balance on the character gump of the EC as when we hover over it (see samples below). Maybe showing in relation to million. EG: when the CGB reaches 250,000 it will display .25mil - under that will display actual CGB (or something to that effect).
Now, auto-loot of gold direct to the bank will change how guilds/hunting parties actually share loot - for when we go hunting we do tend to split the gold right then and there. Maybe I'm jumping ahead with that, but knowing how much gold we have readily available for shopping is kinda important and many players tend to budget their gold for various things -- I tend to budget for events I will be hosting (and getting close to doing that again soon).
Some players may budget to buy that special house (particularly on crowded shards), or others will budget for that uber armor set. Whatever the reason, merging all shard monies for an account is okay - just makes budgeting more interesting.
For example...
I have budgeted 300mil for a Event-A and 500mil for Event-B. I tend to keep that gold in check form buried in bags across my banks on a shard. I suppose I will have to set up two Wall Safes, one for each event, and secure the funds that way. Decent way to do that as I tend to go bonkers when buying deco items and don't want my budgeted event funds depleted. I like the idea of the wall safe - can now save more funds without having to juggle between character banks and cannot overspend on my deco sprees.