Two issues to report and a couple of comments:
- As reported yesterday after testing on Origin, it appears that tamers and probably mages using summoned creatures, don't get threads of fate from the corrupted souls. I've taken the same tamer to Magincia on Origin now for at least 90 minutes over three visits and killed corrupted souls with the pet the whole time and haven't gotten one thread. The pet is guarding the tamer the whole time, so I'm not sure what else to do.
- Arcane gems gathered before the publish don't stack. I think other people have reported the same problem with other items that should stack. Sounds like some items gathered before the publish do stack and others don't.
- My archer on Origin has already completed the Threads of Fate quest and received her reward. However, when I went back to Magincia to kill invasion spawn with her, she inevitably killed more corrupted souls and got more Threads of Fate. Maybe that's not such a big problem, because she can just give them to the tamer! (I already checked and fortunately she can take them out of her pack and put them in a container and the tamer can take them out and mark them as quest items.) However, I'd like to know if you intend to leave things like this so I can at least complete the quest with the tamer, albeit with threads she didn't get herself. (Yeah, yeah, I can see that this means ANY character can potentially complete that quest if you have characters capable of collecting threads.)
- I was going to report as a possible problem the fact that the tamer hasn't seen any silver as loot on invasion monsters. However, when I took the archer back to Magincia and had her killing invasion monsters, all of a sudden she was getting faction silver! Woot! Popped in her pack and all. Didn't add up to much but was kinda cool. So I guess that means the silver the invasion monsters drop is only going to go to faction characters and will pop in their packs. Would be kind of nice to clarify that in the notes if that's the plan.
- BOD books stored in chests on Origin that had titles before the publish but were displaying weird stuff yesterday are now back to displaying their proper titles. Thanks for fixing this.
- Last comment: Those pain in the neck corrupted souls have no magery skill and yet my pet has gained in Resisting Spells from killing them. At times it also sounds like they're casting the flame strike spell, although it does little damage. They also seem to be able to poison from a distance. Some stuff about them just doesn't quite add up, but it's not really an issue. Just seems a bit odd.