Lord Gareth
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Kijustsu Anei and PaxOku Crafters Society finally got a public Soulforge. Thank
you Charles Wood from RAZE for donating one. Anyone is welcome to use it
for training and what not.
Also We put the Carpet Quest rune book on the steps of the H-J rune library.
It is a simple quest to do. For those of you who want some carpet and rugs
have it. (Make sure you use a blade and target the sheep to get the wool.)
Don't kill it then slice it. Also please kill off the sheep after you get the wool
off of them. So they respawn and people don't have to wait a long time.
For those who don't know the H-J Rune Library is located at the Tokuno
Islands Homare-Jima. Its right behind the crafters hall with the new
soulforge. The rune book is on the steps. (Red One)
If anyone has any other quests mapped out please let me know. Will help us
in keeping the rune library up to date. Thats all I have for you. Enjoy
you Charles Wood from RAZE for donating one. Anyone is welcome to use it
for training and what not.
Also We put the Carpet Quest rune book on the steps of the H-J rune library.
It is a simple quest to do. For those of you who want some carpet and rugs
have it. (Make sure you use a blade and target the sheep to get the wool.)
Don't kill it then slice it. Also please kill off the sheep after you get the wool
off of them. So they respawn and people don't have to wait a long time.
For those who don't know the H-J Rune Library is located at the Tokuno
Islands Homare-Jima. Its right behind the crafters hall with the new
soulforge. The rune book is on the steps. (Red One)
If anyone has any other quests mapped out please let me know. Will help us
in keeping the rune library up to date. Thats all I have for you. Enjoy