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Public Oaks and Harrower



HI-5 is looking at organizing a public oaks and harrower Friday Night as an attempt to make people more active in Felucca.

I'm looking for feedback from Pacific. Would people be interested in doing this while HI-5 defends from the Pks of pacific?

Alter Ego
HI-5 GM ICQ# 623965971

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that is a great idea and I am sure THC will be most happy to insure a bit-o-fun.


I would say that all in all, the harrower was a success.

Several people said it was fun, so there may be more harrowers to come in the future.

Unfortunately only 1 THC made an appearance, thank you colonel for showing up while your guild members talked trash in general chat.

Chad, eggy, and whoever else you had, it was a fun fight, thanks for coming

If anyone has other ideas for "player run" events on pacific, post on here or icq me and we can see what we can work on

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL. when THC challenged you to do what they do..it does not involve inviting every blue on the shard to cover your cowardly tails. :mad:

See the referrenced challenge: "Getting tired of all the spew from Cry-5 and such, we ran a prime time Harry last night and announced it in Gen chat. All who came were slaughtered and we strolled out with all 32 scrolls.

Cry-5..let's see you do the same. You girls could man up and go factions as well, but everyone knows your yellow streak is far too wide for that."

A "publically announced" Harry is NOT a "PUBLIC" Harry. When THC does a Harry on PAC, we tell the entire shard and then we allow no-one to live that dares to enter our domain. :party:

That was THE most embarrassing display of cowardice towards THC to date..on ANY shard! My God man..you even went below COP guild on Sonoma on this one!! I truly didn't think that could even be done... :thumbdown:

You, sir, are incredibily pathetic. But we understand your spine shattering fear of THC. :stretcher:

At least some of you girls went orange, but hiding behind a blankie of blues is ..well...it's just to embarrassing to speak of anymore. :lame:

Nice job destroying any creds you may have had left. Turn in your last Man card at the door and get out. Ezra doesn't have any left anyways..it can just leave now :cursing:




LOL. when THC challenged you to do what they do..it does not involve inviting every blue on the shard to cover your cowardly tails. :mad:

See the referrenced challenge: "Getting tired of all the spew from Cry-5 and such, we ran a prime time Harry last night and announced it in Gen chat. All who came were slaughtered and we strolled out with all 32 scrolls.

Cry-5..let's see you do the same. You girls could man up and go factions as well, but everyone knows your yellow streak is far too wide for that."

A "publically announced" Harry is NOT a "PUBLIC" Harry. When THC does a Harry on PAC, we tell the entire shard and then we allow no-one to live that dares to enter our domain. :party:

That was THE most embarrassing display of cowardice towards THC to date..on ANY shard! My God man..you even went below COP guild on Sonoma on this one!! I truly didn't think that could even be done... :thumbdown:

You, sir, are incredibily pathetic. But we understand your spine shattering fear of THC. :stretcher:

At least some of you girls went orange, but hiding behind a blankie of blues is ..well...it's just to embarrassing to speak of anymore. :lame:

Nice job destroying any creds you may have had left. Turn in your last Man card at the door and get out. Ezra doesn't have any left anyways..it can just leave now :cursing:


The OP was for a ALL shard Harry. He invited the entire shard to come and stated Hi-5 would protect.
HI-5 is looking at organizing a public oaks and harrower Friday Night as an attempt to make people more active in Felucca.

I'm looking for feedback from Pacific. Would people be interested in doing this while HI-5 defends from the Pks of pacific?

Your words "I think that is a great idea and I am sure THC will be most happy to insure a bit-o-fun."

Sooo now you don't think it was a good idea?
They did what they stated. Whats the problem?

The Bud.


HI-5 is looking at organizing a public oaks and harrower Friday Night as an attempt to make people more active in Felucca.

I'm looking for feedback from Pacific. Would people be interested in doing this while HI-5 defends from the Pks of pacific?

Alter Ego
HI-5 GM ICQ# 623965971
Yeah...Me...Never home Friday or Saturday. :(

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's all good, except that Cry-5 has no Man cards left. THC will hold another public announced Harry and show these pitiful fools how it is done... yet again.

We do not invite a raid and cover oursleves with blue meatshields so the "brave" oranges can run out for a kill shot. We will all be orange, as we always have been. All red except for the Harry killer and the protector and they will be orange anyways.

THAT is how it is done in big boy school and always has. What a bunch of freakin' *name for kitties*.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's all good, except that Cry-5 has no Man cards left. THC will hold another public announced Harry and show these pitiful fools how it is done... yet again.

We do not invite a raid and cover oursleves with blue meatshields so the "brave" oranges can run out for a kill shot. We will all be orange, as we always have been. All red except for the Harry killer and the protector and they will be orange anyways.

THAT is how it is done in big boy school and always has. What a bunch of freakin' *name for kitties*.
You mad bro?


Never get mad over a video game.

Disappointed. We were hoping Cry-5 would man up. We were wrong.

At least it was good for a laugh though.

Yah a bunch of players that otherwise would not have, got some +25 stat scrolls. Is that the good laugh you refer to?
Why are you so upset and obsessed with a 6 member guild. They field maybe 2-4 most of the time.
It just looks like a small crew has got you all upset.

The Bud.


Dom, I'd like to point out the following. We had 3 faction characters and 1 non faction character defending the harrower.

I was afk majority of the time

We invited the blues to do it because we wanted a FIGHT, lets not mention everyone has millions and millions of gold and power scrolls are worthless.

THC said "go factions", HI-5 made a faction guild
THC cried to pop a harrower, we popped a harrower
THC says they'll raid said harrower, 1 person showed up while the rest talked trash in general chat

if we really want to play this trash talk game, you win, HI-5 plays to fight in fel, and have fun.

THC is more than welcome to announce a harrower 2 days in advance, and do it at prime time, HI-5 will raid if we are on.

Chad,Eggy, Abraham Lincoln and sweet teen raided us, THC was nowhere to be found except colonel mustard

there are your fun facts for the day, enjoy, you and mr nerd rage cage must be bffs, so much in common


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dom, I'd like to point out the following. We had 3 faction characters and 1 non faction character defending the harrower.

I was afk majority of the time

We invited the blues to do it because we wanted a FIGHT, lets not mention everyone has millions and millions of gold and power scrolls are worthless.

THC said "go factions", HI-5 made a faction guild
THC cried to pop a harrower, we popped a harrower
THC says they'll raid said harrower, 1 person showed up while the rest talked trash in general chat

if we really want to play this trash talk game, you win, HI-5 plays to fight in fel, and have fun.

THC is more than welcome to announce a harrower 2 days in advance, and do it at prime time, HI-5 will raid if we are on.

Chad,Eggy, Abraham Lincoln and sweet teen raided us, THC was nowhere to be found except colonel mustard

there are your fun facts for the day, enjoy, you and mr nerd rage cage must be bffs, so much in common
This calls for...... BI-WINNING DUH! :danceb:

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dom, I'd like to point out the following. We had 3 faction characters and 1 non faction character defending the harrower.

I was afk majority of the time

We invited the blues to do it because we wanted a FIGHT, lets not mention everyone has millions and millions of gold and power scrolls are worthless.

THC said "go factions", HI-5 made a faction guild
THC cried to pop a harrower, we popped a harrower
THC says they'll raid said harrower, 1 person showed up while the rest talked trash in general chat

if we really want to play this trash talk game, you win, HI-5 plays to fight in fel, and have fun.

THC is more than welcome to announce a harrower 2 days in advance, and do it at prime time, HI-5 will raid if we are on.

Chad,Eggy, Abraham Lincoln and sweet teen raided us, THC was nowhere to be found except colonel mustard

there are your fun facts for the day, enjoy, you and mr nerd rage cage must be bffs, so much in common

I think you just got :owned:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think it is a great idea u should do it every week or every other when u can, If i am on an have a few people ill come raid it. but last night i was on an raided probally 4 spawns in three hour period got people in fell...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it sounded like a grand thing to do, and u deserve some cred for putting it together. I dont know why people are trying to rip u up for it but then again what the hell do i know im a noob . :cursing::twak::thumbsup: you said you were afk most of the time.?? hey thats my line...