I think this publish has to be the largest list of stuff I've seen since I started in '98. I know it rivals lists I used to see in DAoC.
I am truly sorry about some of the "where the heck are the Devs?" comments I've let slip ... I think I know where they've been.
I'm looking forward to this on so many fronts it's unreal. Thank you all!
Crystal dagger: Anyone notice there is no mention of it? Does it play a part in (perhaps) making you recognizable as friend or foe when invasions happen? Was it just window dressing as a reward for the Tarot reading?
Inquiring minds and all that ...
I am truly sorry about some of the "where the heck are the Devs?" comments I've let slip ... I think I know where they've been.
I'm looking forward to this on so many fronts it's unreal. Thank you all!
Crystal dagger: Anyone notice there is no mention of it? Does it play a part in (perhaps) making you recognizable as friend or foe when invasions happen? Was it just window dressing as a reward for the Tarot reading?
Inquiring minds and all that ...