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Proposition Regarding Strangle Spell Versus Magic Resist

  • Thread starter imported_TurboTimmy
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


At 120 Magicresist it would seem that Strangle's effect or duration could be reduced. a scale similar to the one put in effect on blood oath for pvp would be outstanding.

In my opinion 120necro vs. 120 magicreisst should cut the time in half possibly, so 12seconds or 6 "ticks" at 120resist compared to the 22second strangle time now. ( AND IT FEELS EVEN LONGER IF YOUR TRYING TO CAST)

PLease discuss and share your opinions.

wondering if anyone else feels my pain


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
50 chiv > 105necro/100 spiritspeak
enchanted apples > 105necro/100spiritspeak
remove curse talisman >105necro/100 spiritspeak

Necromancy hasnt gotten anything new save excorism since its release in 03 yet theres been 2 new counters to it since than. If you honestly have that much trouble with strangle than maybe you need to work on your own pvp prowess instead of screaming for a nerf because you cant learn to counter it.

Spiels and rants is that way >>


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

you can cast strangle, over and over till the cows come home.

you can you remove curse talisman once every 1600 seconds.

you can use a apple once every 2 minutes.

most people dont play with chivaly cause its lame in most templates or cant be fit or karma etc.

tell me about the balance in that.

necro power makes archers look stupid.

necros have the most powerful spells in the game, period. they have counters for everything they face. plus...

can cast heavy dmg spell like wither and poison strike, way way to fast.

for example
casting meteor swarm takes what 4 seconds? for 30-40 dmg to someone cursed.
wither which is almost instantaneous does almost the same damage.

no balance at all.


wither needs to be nerfed.

poison strike is only effective against low poison when its doing about 28+ dmg a hit, otherwise lightning is better imo.

if strangle gets nerfed, then remove curse needs to have its chance to succed based on the necromancy skill of the caster. so like trying to remove curse a strangle with 50 chiv when a player with 120 necro strangles you, the remove curse would fail most of the time.