The problem with a tech forum is most people will only go when they have an issue. Stratics used to have one. It would really only work out if someone from Mythic read and responded regularly. Blizzard has one and they respond a ton.
*ponders how should I say this without getting into trouble...*
While a tech forum is good for consolidating all the info in 1 place and ensuring folk's issues don't get burried on high volume days, I'm afraid JC is right...
I remember when Stractics used to have a tech forum too, and people rarely go there unless they have a problem themselves (I'm guilty of this for one

I don't really mind the posts staying in UHall and try to assist whenever I see such requests.
Info that can be stickied can perhaps be added to Players' Corner? (sorry Basara and Fink heh)
*throws smokebomb and "ninja"s away*
I might lean the other way, while I voted for the Tech Forum, I have tried to spend time thinking about what a Tech Forum would be.
Quite Honestly, when I first saw it, the first response was far more the stuff going on in the SA Client Beta Forum, were people could get help with how to set up macroes, commands etc.
Help with the Custom UI's that are bound to come out.
Help with the Aspect Ratio etc.
Yeah the rash of Tech help requests that have shown up here should go there as well, but I (in this part may agree) they probably would not draw a lot of attention to the forum on a day in day out basis.
Perhaps if the forum consolidated all the Clients, plus operation problems, plus upgrade suggestions, then it might be a good forum to go to on a regular basis. Least wise one might think one might be able to bring a particular thread to UO's attention for .......
In addition, even if it were not a daily activity, as an archive place it might very well be useful for lurkers and others to go see if their issue(s) have been answered rather than trying to look through all the archived messages in UHall.
I think the moderation issue is one thing but does not need to be linked to being able to help technically.
I could see a Moderator asking (via p-mail) a member of the Stratics Community to stop in and look at a thread to see if they could help. I am sure there are a good number of very competent people to draw from that may not visit the forum on a daily basis.
I suppose it is entirely possible that if such a forum existed, then UO people may stop in and Lurk/Participate more frequently.