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Profoundy - A Short Tale


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

DragonSnack and I had some breakfast and prepped for the day.
I heard that those drug smugglind "Raider" people were in Britain.
Those Raiders seem to enjoy stabbing me.
Bandages, I need those.
I seem to bleed a lot when stabbed.
I'm just weird that way.
I must admit, I am tired of arresting Angry Rioters and ready to do ANYTHING else.
We journey to Britain and find a crowd of Raiders near the theatre.
I am not shocked as I have suspected the bards have their hand in the drug trade.
(Again, not the Bard's you see in dungeons with Fido their pet dragon.
I mean those tight-pants wearing, Shakespeare-quoting bards.)
Those bards are trouble.
I gave the four or five Raiders around the Theatre a trip to the dirt nap.
The theatre area cleared, we rode around to make sure the citizens were safe.
I move around the back and was attacked by Allsion the Raider.
As I'm fending off that attack I spy another female charging onto the fray.
It was Maribel the Waitress.
I guess Maribel was sick and tired of the hooligans ruining the city.
She helped me subdue the raider. I gave her the gold from the raider and move on.
I found another raider and walked back Maribel's way with the raider in tow.
Maribel struck again!
After killing Crosby, I introduced Theodor to Maribel
who proceeded to beat him severely about the head and shoulders.
I was impressed. Little old yellow Maribel the Waitress, fierce warrior.
A not boring day agter all.
Sadly, I was unprepared for photo taking.
I would have loved a pic of this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jack Tallow!!!!
I came back a few weeks ago. UO is addictive.
It is a different world......again.
Some 'raiders' (just can't trust those east bay people) have started smuggling drugs into the lands......which might be okay if they shared.
I have been leading an ivestigagtion into this (my own RP thing) and am convinced the bards are behind the trouble.
People thought we was crazy for hating bards so much. NOW, who was right?
They should listen more to what we raconteurs have to say...maybe...sometimes.


Note to self: Kill that meddling Mirabel, then kill Maddwg.

Go Raiders!