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Problems with Client since pub yesterday


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok this is prolly an easy thing for the more technically savvy people, hence the reason I am posting...

But since all shards went down yesterday for the pub my cliet is gone screwy. Is it just me or is this a common issue? For example, everything doesn't load, moongates, doors, whole buildings, I have to log out and back into be able to see things and when I recall it seems to reset. Also my title does not display on my paperdoll and there is a strange message that says: Error MegaClilnoc Stringld Not Found : 1115023. So whats that mean?


I also have trouble loading everything on screen. Moon gates, npcs, houses and what not. If i relog it seems to fix it until i leave area and it may happen again.

What can i do to fix?


I have the same prob aswell, I have no idea how this suddenly started happening about a week ago and its got me knackered how to fix it short from reinstalling the game.
I basically cant see any doors, npc's, critters, monsters or house signs once I travel a couple of screens from logging in. If I dismount and then remount my horse everything seems to suddenly reappear but again, once I travel a couple of screens it all dissappears again until I dismount/remount my horse. Something must of started this happening but the only thing out of the ordinary that has happened is that I got my 4th year reward (ethereal unicorn chosen), and I travelled to Fellucca via the minoc moongate. ...................... Very frustrating :confused:


Do you use UOAssist or Razor? I started the game without and had to patch the latest. After that it came up with no problems. Try that, worked for me.