Marcus Blackwell
welp made a gargoyle thrower tonight and decided to put swords on him as well for the bonus it offers to negate some of the hci penalty..went to haven to zombie and skelestons to being working charcter..throwing went okay but then when i switch to swords the guy gained nothing it was like he couldnt connect with the sword..his skill was only 40 so he should have been gaining easily..I then decide to test out taking throwing off the guy to see if throwing was casuing swords not to gain. I go and get a soul stone fragment dump throwing onto it and head back to haven..first skeleton I hit I gain and the next one and next one after that.. so in closing seems you cant gain swords while having the throwing skill on a gargoyle..oh and I was using a sword to try to gain swords but it wouldnt gain til after I stoned throwing.