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Problem with Veteran Rewards?



I have 11 unchosen veteran rewards left on my 102 month account, but when I logged in today I did not recieve the normal veteran reward gump, and I know I have not used the remaining choices.

So, aside from the possibility someone hacked my account and used all my remaining choices, but didnt take anything else, is there a current problem with veteran rewards?


Just logged into a 2nd char on a different shard and recieved the gump, then tried it on the first char again and it works now.

go figure.


you by chance click hide vet reward gump on UOA on accident?

hehe nm that then :p

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
happens sometimes, nothing to get worried about though, log out and in a few times and will usually pop back up.


I've noticed that sometimes it takes a long time for the rewards gump to load. When ever I do need it I log off then back on.