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Problem with guild chat


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ever since I installed the latest patch, guild chat is dead. I do not get any of the messages sent and my messages do not get sent either. The guild chat also appears in black (and so does the regular chat, while the party chat appears in grey!) which doesn't make sense because in the settings it is set to the default green colour... I tried uninstalling the client and re-installing from scratch but the problem persists... The last thing I remember doing before it stopped working was install the patch so it must have something to do with that....I should also mention that I am using the 2d client


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
go to options and select the "eyeball" icon and check that the option my cursor is on in this screenie is not checked. i had this issue once my options got changed in a patch a while back.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the response! Unfortunately, the "ignore guild messages" option is not checked, so I should be able to participate in the chat (the same goes for the general chat and alliance btw, I can't send or receive messages). I'm surprised no one else has replied so far, I thought that it would be a common problem. The fact that I completely uninstalled and re-installed it and got the same thing shows that it must be a problem with some file or key that is not removed when you uninstall. Another strange thing that happens is that if I press the 'default' button, the party, alliance, guild and chat colours become black...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks to your help I finally managed to fix it. I manually changed the colours then checked ignore messages, restarted the client and unchecked it. For some strange reason it worked...