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Problem with factions


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am going to complain about the new faction arties they you have put into this game. I think that the idea behind these arties, when you initiated them, was that newbies could join factions, form alliances, make friends get all the very best items in the game and compete with established players and they could do all with virtually no skill and very little effort.

The problem that has arisen from this easily acquired gear is that new players are not the ones that are benefiting from it. This is because equipment will not make new players without a lot of game experience into pvpers. New players get the gear and think they are invincible only to find that they are easily killed by more experienced players.

So who is taking advantage of this new faction elite gear? The answer to this question is: established pvpers and their guilds. They are taking their war horses, nice gear, speed hacking cheats and play experience and killing everyone that tries to play in Fel. In effect you have created the next generation of shard bullies.

I know that some of you are saying, “if you don't want to die, don't go to Fel”. Well most Fel players don't mind dieing or a good fight. They have died hundreds, no thousands of times in doom while trying to acquire their arties. They have died thousands of times to spawn while getting scrolls and died thousands of time to pvpers. What they do mind is being killed by people that are so well equipped that they can not be killed by any reasonable means and whom have such great defense chance, hit chance and damage increase suits and weapons that they can kill even the best players with a couple of spells or hits.

So you say, “why don't you join factions”. The answers to this question are; faction play is unique and different from most other types of play and it does not appeal to everyone, and getting arties by killing a few monsters and players, (many of whom were crated only to die), is undignified and is an insult to players who have spent years horning their skills and building their equipment.

In addition, seasoned Fel players have not only spent time learning to be good players and building up their equipment, they have also spent many real dollars on their accounts and upgrades. If they were interested in factions they would have already joined a faction group. I do understand that you want to build a faction segment of play but you should make it so that faction gear can only be worn and used in faction play. Then faction players could enjoy their faction activities and non faction player could enjoy their spawning, hunting, and pvping without the fear of being slaughtered.