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Problem using Soustone/new player skill quest



I am having an issue with not being able to use a soulstone that is in my house..it is just on one character...tell me I cannont use it because I am still on a new player skill qust...yet my quest log is empty and I haven't taken any quests that I know of with that character before...It started right after I upgraded to a 7th character slot code

Anyone ever hear of this or had it happen before?


UO Forum Moderator
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If it's an older character....

Check your character's personal context menu (Where insurance, mark as quest item, etc. are at, by clicking on the character (in the CC).

See if there are "view Quest log" and "cancel quest" options in it. You may have one of the pre-New-Haven new player quests active, or one of the Solen, Naturalist or doom gold skull quests active.

If it's a new character, it could be a side effect of the "new character smell" system, or so they call it, where new characters and people adventuring alongside them get alacrity/skill quest style bonuses to skill gain for a while.