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Problem keeping creatures in warmode

Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well today I tried medusa with my sampire. After I entered her lair i attacked her. But the problem is she always switched out of warmode. The adds too.

When I doubleclicked her she turned grey for about 1 s and then returned to normal so i couldnt keep on attacking her. I repeated this but it didn´t change.

Well I recalled out of the dungeon and went back to the abyss. And now this happens with every mob there. It really gets frustrating, i tried to relogg, restarted computer, changed characters and so on.

The strange thing is that in ilshenar and trammel / felucca i can fight normally. And I don´t have this problem with my other characters. I use the 2d client so I tried out with enhanced client but the problem stays the same, i can´t keep on attacking the mobs.

Maybe someone can help me


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could you post how it was solved please? That way if anyone else has the same problem or incounters a problem similar they will be able to do a search and find the information :)

EDIT** Unless it was a patch that fixed it sort of thing not something a player did to fix it .



Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok after a lot of testing i found the source of the problem. I collected the rare eggs using a snake charming flute. After collecting all four I immediately entered the lair. The problem kept on as long as the snake I last charmed was alive. After it was dead the problem vanished.