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[Auction] Private Collector Series On Atlantic Silent Auction In Zento Ends Saturday August 10th @ 7:00 PM EST

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Hail and well met again. This is the second week of a two week series, and the last of the items I am selling from this special collection from a private rares collector on the Catskills Shard. Next week will be a hodge podge of items from different sellers, because anyone can contact me to help facilitate the sale of their rares. For now let us enjoy the rest of what I have displayed for you this week. Thank you all for participating.

Atlantic Silent Auction Information and Rules:

On every Saturday, I will host a silent auction on the Atlantic shard at my Zento house that ends at 7PM EST (19:00 Hours). I will only be auctioning off 24 items/packages (LOTS) per week. There will be no Buy Outs and No Reserved Prices. I can be reached in game when available on the "Silent Auction" chat channel. Bidders can only contact me here on Stratics, ICQ – 150528775 and http://www.facebook.com/nailswarstein

This month’s auction ends Saturday August 10th, 2013 at 7:00 PM ET / 1AM CET / Midnight GMT / 6PM CT / 5PM MT / 4PM PT / 8AM Tokyo / 9AM Sydney

Please check your time zone for daylight / summer saving time changes. I selected this end date and time so it did not interfere with EM hosted Events, traditional work schedules, and traditional sleeping hours. If you are unable to attend, please ask a friend to be your proxy bidder.

First Floor

Lot 1 – Season 7 Atlantic Event - Attack Plans, Target Moonglow
Lot 2 – Season 6 All Shard Event - 5 x Magical Lockboxes
Lot 3 – Season 8 Holiday Gift - 2 x Angel Gift Boxes
Lot 4 – Season 6 Holiday Gift - Neon Gift Box
Lot 5 – Season 6 Holiday Gift - Neon Gift Box
Lot 6 – Season 6 Holiday Gift - Neon Gift Box

Second Floor

Lot 7 – Pre-Patched Guild Stone Deed For UOLenders (UOL)
Lot 8 – Pre-Patched Guild Stone Deeds For The Rats (RaT / The Power Empire (TPE)
Lot 9 – Pre-Patched Guild Stone Deeds For Village Of Edinburgh (VoE) / The Great Kingdom Of Almor (GKA)
Lot 10 – Pre-Patched Guild Stone Deeds For Nails McSnails (-21) / Lovely Ostards (L2O)
Lot 11 – Pre-Patched Guild Stone Deeds For Razorbacks (none) / 1 Man Army (-1-)
Lot 12 – Pre-Patched Guild Stone Deeds For Pride Of Dixie ([X]) / We Are Waiting For The Whopper To Land (B-K)

Third Floor

Lot 13 – (Those Evil Items Which Shall Not Be Named Or Permitted On Stratics)
Lot 14 – Season 4 Oceania Event - Royal Sand Miner
Lot 15 – Season 7 Catskills Event - A Sash Made Of Sea Siren Scales
Lot 16 – Season 3 All Shards - Lenshire Clan Tabard
Lot 17 – Server Birth - Logs
Lot 18 – Server Birth - Moulding Board

Fourth Floor

Lot 19 – 1999 Clean-up Britannia - Special Beard Dye
Lot 20 – Server Birth - Silverware
Lot 21 – Server Birth - Open Book
Lot 22 – Server Birth - Bloody Bandage + Eye of Newt
Lot 23 – Server Birth - Ceramic Mug + Skull Mug
Lot 24 – Server Birth - Two Story Statue

Auction Information and Rules For New Bidders:

All bidding will be done via Bulletin Board. All bidders and proxy bidders must include their prominent name (not unknown alias) and provide contact information (ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, or Stratics Name) in addition to their bid amount. Bids must be made in 1 Million Gold or higher increments. There will be a 10 minute cool down period starting with the last bid placed on items between 6:50PM – 7PM EST. Players can choose to continue bidding past 7PM EST only on items that received bids during the last 10 minutes period, and can continue bidding for another 10 minutes until no more bids have been received for a full 10 minutes. Anyone can bid in this cool down period, even players who have no previous bids. Please note any bids not adhering to the auction rules will be subject to deletion at the Auctioneers discretion.

Receiving Your Winnings:

Gold will be acceptable on Atlantic only. Players will have 3 days (72 hours) to pay for their items, or be placed on notice as a non-paying bidder in the rares community. I will broker the sale of all the items presented in the silent auction houses. In order to receive your winnings, you must contact me via ICQ, Stratics, or Facebook. My colorful army of Orienteering Robed vendors will accept your gold. After you have bought off these vendors, I will deliver onto you, your winning item(s). I might be able to personally provide limited gold swapping for a few select shards if you notify me in advance. Please contact me for additional optional payment methods.

My Reliable Hours of Availability:
10 AM - 2 PM EST
5 PM - 8 PM EST
11 PM - 2 AM EST

Bidders + Sellers can only contact me here on Stratics, ICQ – 150528775 and http://www.facebook.com/nailswarstein

Also Please Check Out My Stratics Auction here :)
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