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Price checking rares question

Mr. Mayhem

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Hello. I've been getting into the whole EM event phase UO and it has been a lot of fun. I've been told that this is a good place to buy and sell rares. My question is how do you understand the value of particular rares? I see some for sale as little as 100m and some for several platinum when browsing the forum. Does anyone have any advice in terms of price checking or knowing what is fair if I were to sell some of the drops I have gotten?



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It has a lot to do with how many are made. 1 of 10 or 1 of 100. That's my view anyway! I also look at if it moves or makes noise. If it's a one of a kind image... so on.

Good luck!

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Campaign Supporter
There are multiple factors. How many exist in total, the color, the type of graphic that was used, the type of special effect like a sparkle or sound effect that it has, if it can be used as a container, if it's wearable etc.

How much people like it is also a pretty major factor, even if an item is 1/5 if it looks terrible and no one wants it then it's price will not be as high as a 1/20 that everyone wants.

A significant part of rares collecting is memorization and researching too, it helps a lot to be able to remember or find out through research what the price of an item was the last 2 or 3 times one was sold, in order to determine a fair price to charge for your own item.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are multiple factors. How many exist in total, the color, the type of graphic that was used, the type of special effect like a sparkle or sound effect that it has, if it can be used as a container, if it's wearable etc.

How much people like it is also a pretty major factor, even if an item is 1/5 if it looks terrible and no one wants it then it's price will not be as high as a 1/20 that everyone wants.

A significant part of rares collecting is memorization and researching too, it helps a lot to be able to remember or find out through research what the price of an item was the last 2 or 3 times one was sold, in order to determine a fair price to charge for your own item.
This is how it used to be. For the past 5+ years or so, it has been certain collectors and scriptors setting prices. Just because someone buys an item for 100M or 1 Plat, that does not mean it is what the items is worth. If someone sold a band-aid for 500M, does not mean they are worth 500M.

Mr. Mayhem

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
In terms of researching price checks, would you recommend searching here, or are there other references?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
In terms of researching price checks, would you recommend searching here, or are there other references?
You can search this site and I would also recommend posting a price check. Posting a price check doesn't always mean jump on the first offer you get tho!