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Price Check



Hi guys, I came across this tucked away in some of my junk the other week. I believe it's basically just a bugged name item, but I've not seen any others around (not like the thousands of 'of exception quality' items), so I wondered what price you would put on it? Are these more common than I thought?




Hi guys, I came across this tucked away in some of my junk the other week. I believe it's basically just a bugged name item, but I've not seen any others around (not like the thousands of 'of exception quality' items), so I wondered what price you would put on it? Are these more common than I thought?

[/ QUOTE ]
They are not bugged or anything. This used to be a normal item.

I don't dare put a price on it though.


At some point the first display line of a comm crystal changed, so your comm crystal is actually rare in two regards, the yellow line no longer displays the title that way, and also having a bugged number of charges. I have 18 of the old comm crystals with the old title, only 2 of them have a bugged number of charges, but I collected them specifically from idocs which I really doubt hardly anyone else has done.

I'm sure that people have old comm crystals with the old name and some with the bugged charges in the title, but in the main it isn't something that people actively seek to collect or even realize has changed. Of course, there are always people who dig the unusual and I'm sure you could find a buyer who would be interested in such an item. I can't bring myself to try to sell mine. Anytime I try to sell something weird it is always an arduous task, so most of the time I just don't bother trying (so lazy). Lemme know if you have any success, or find someone who would want more of them for their collection.


Thanks for the reply. I had suspected that there were many more of these out there, and that the owners much like myself couldn't muster up the energy to go about putting a value on them. As you said, I doubt I'd have much success selling it unless there is someone truly dedicated to such things. I may just try building up a collection of my own


I really like weird stuff in UO, and I know other people do too, but often the weird stuff I like really isn't particularly valuable. It can be hard for me to tell. Like, it can have personal value, like my V day card that says "You're my favorite, from Jesus" which cracks me up whenever I mouse over it. It is worth way more to me than the gold I paid for it, because it makes me laugh, and I'd never sell it for any amount.

Or it can be the book I bought for 50 mill that when you double click it gives sextant coordinates. Would anyone else have paid that much for a book like that? I really don't think so. But I thought it was awesome and really wanted it. Oh, and there's my no decay furniture I've collected over the years from old idoc falls. I decorated the grassy area of my castle with the stuff. I have chairs, tables, paintings, even checker and chess boards, all sorts of junk that won't decay. That might actually be of interest to other people, but I wouldn't sell my furny. It doesn't take up lockdowns! So nice!

The comm crystals I have are kinda low on my weird stuff list of interest, but even if no one ever wanted to buy them I would hold onto them because they don't exist like that anymore, and I really don't think there are *that* many around anymore. They're a (small) piece of history that I can't just throw away.


I collect stuff like this. Only because it's what I can afford.
I have two senders but no recievers so you know what I'm lookin for...
This is why I will never have a museum. I spend my money on stuff like:

Sorry I don't know what I paid.


I should have some recievers, I'll check later when I get back from pool (or tomorrow if I get back tonight and am too tired to stay up).


These were what I had when I looked. Havent used them in along time. Still linked:



I'm about half and half on recievers and senders, so I can totally hook you up when you're on Baja or I'm on...uh, ahhh...whatever shard you are on. =)


I'm on Catskills.
I'm not rich enough to be one of those cross shard peoples :/


Cats eh? We'll figure something out. I can't xfer there and back just for one thing, I'm too cheapo to do that. But it'll get figured out. If I xfer to sonoma to get those ingots (assuming i get em) then its only one extra token to go to cats for a round trip. Or when I finally am done trying to sell stuff on europa, I have an extra xfer there for an extra stop (if I remember to not sell it hehe). I'd probably still want to either try to sell junk on cats or buy stuff while I'm there. Is it pretty busy or kinda dead there right now?


It seems everyone on Cats goes to other shards to trade. Sometimes someone from MOP guild might have something nice to trade. It's slim pickin's otherwise.
Seems everyone is to clingy with their "stuff"
Let me know when you'll be in town and how much you want for the com no big rush I'm almost always "around" sometime during the week