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Price Check please.....

  • Thread starter imported_kray2s
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Hi and ty for reading this post....

I was just re-organising some things ready for a move (im selling my fel keep when i get the time code to allow me long enough to find a new place move and sell up lol)

However when moving items rdy in preperation i caught out the corner of my eye my collection of blackrock infested black boxes .....

I have 2 questions if you have the time .....

1st- i know these are still spawning here on Europa as i have recently (last week sometime) picked up 3 more of these so are they considered rare??

2nd - If they are / ae not rare then would one recovered from a black rock infested lady melisande be considered at the higher end??? - i gotta admit i have never seen another but then anyone could have one locked inside a chest in a chest inside another chest inside a bag if they are anythinglike the pack rat i am lol

Oh and while i think about it .... i picked the chest on this one .... I know , i know i should have used one of my vendors or a beetle to see what was inside it but ijust had to do it there and then didnt I!!! lol would this decrease the value or would people be paying purley on the name it holds?

ty again


Save peerless blackrock boxes. They are/will be worth a tidy sum. No, opening it has no bearing on value.


So i can dump the c**p it contains the value will be entirely in the box name itself?


It is up to you, I collect these boxes and would kill for a Lady M box, that has got to be extremely rare. However my preference is for them to be unopened. Whatever floats your boat, but if it is opened then it is not much more then a storage container. Just my two cents.