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price check please

  • Thread starter imported_Cysphruo
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i found this old 100k check in my bank box, its the old hue, looks like a regular deed thats not the yellow bank check color
wondering what the current price is on them


Ack, in your bank box? you must not use that character a lot. I'd take it out of the bank asap and put it in a secure before it gets spent or anything.

I think I heard from 250k-1 mill+ for those kinds of checks, depends on the value. Like a mill white check might be 3-5, 1 gps white check might be 500k, but an odd number like 37,421 might be 250-500k. 100k hrm, I dunno. Nice even number and all that, maybe trey would know.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ya for my 1m white check i paid 5m for it and i usualy get stuff cheapo hehe....100k one...hmm....hell id pay 500k ina heart beat actualy, id say a mil or better IMO


gracias, not sure what i'll do with it then, i didnt expect it to be worth much but was curious anyways


Yeah my estimates are a little old I guess. Haven't ever sold one, haven't seen one for sale in a while.


Yeah, I spent my 750k white check by mistake about a year ago. It happens.


Lore Master
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Wasn't it something like face value multiplied by 8 or something? I forget..


Seasoned Veteran
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You can't apply a multiplier, then a 1gp check would be worth 8gp. Sort of like old coins, regardless of whether it's a penny, a quarter, a half dollar, if it's 200 years old it's worth a lot more than face value.

I bought a castle with a bunch of these long after they made checks yellow, I just didn't have any other gold =)

Wyatt of Catskills, retired


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
he has a very good point....1gp white check is like 250k atleast....so thats 250,000 times the face value making 1m check worth like what 250,000,000,000.....yea....guna HIGHLY doubt that....now my math might be a bit off (never was my best subject lol) but id say that a 1m white check isnt worth 250m.....guna be more around 5m....so you definately cant go by multiplying the face value its pretty much based on rarity 1m white check is a hella lot rarer than a 1gp white check and a hella lot more sought after:)