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Price Check on a Unique Rubble



I managed to make rubble Lillypad. its unburnt and mint condition. As far as I know only one was created on the entire shard, as I blew up both tram and fell side solo at the building that had them

What would a Lillypad fetch ya think?


Dont forget items will replicate in the same general area for up to an hour, so you may have provided 5-6 more of the same item with the same graphic to other players on your shard.

Even as a unique item, or one that exists in single or very low double digits I wouldn't value it real high as its a plant graphic and its named rubble. Granted all items are labebled rubble, but for plants which are so common anyways the value will undoubedtly be much lower than the value of building/town objects such as a display case, a vendor sign, a fire pit.

I still expect many of the above items to decrease from their initial value due to the respawn, but there will be select graphics which at most should only exist in the 200+ range across all shards.


don't use the term Unique, it sort of mislead the readers.


Some guy just posted 6 moongate rocks. Who knows what will respawn. Im sorta holding back on pricing and buying. I tried got burned. But and having fun collecting. Im not sure what is going to be 1 of a kind.

Who knows. Could be the rubble 86 pound gears.