Looking for a price check on following 3 items, not break your bank type items but hey someone might want them following Items are:
Fc 1
Fcr 3
Lmc 8
Mr 3
Mama 5
Splintering weapon 15%
Hpr 3
Stam 4
Rpd 10%
Mage wep -20
Sc -1
Damage increase 12%
Two handed wep
Double Bladed Staff:
Splintering Weapon 15
Hit fireball 50%
Hit lower Attack 50%
Snow ele slayer
-100 luck
Fc 1
Two handed weapon
Specials: double strike and infectious strike
Located on ATL
Fc 1
Fcr 3
Lmc 8
Mr 3
Mama 5
Splintering weapon 15%
Hpr 3
Stam 4
Rpd 10%
Mage wep -20
Sc -1
Damage increase 12%
Two handed wep
Double Bladed Staff:
Splintering Weapon 15
Hit fireball 50%
Hit lower Attack 50%
Snow ele slayer
-100 luck
Fc 1
Two handed weapon
Specials: double strike and infectious strike
Located on ATL