Sir Willy
An idea that im sure many of us have thought about, or even talked about to others. With the upcoming release what is to be expected?
A few thoughts. One is the new exp, maybe i haven't looked enough into this, but is it still the plan to get rid of the 2d cilent? As for 2d and 3d i have looked into it, and when 3rd dawn came out there was less THEN HALF of the subscribers using it. WHat does this mean? Simple we play the game becuase of community, unmatched gameplay, Pvp,PVM etc. NOT becuase of the graphics. So if the new exp gets rid of the 2d Client how many subscribers do YOU think EA will lose?
Ive done some digging and looking around into roughly how much EA makes off Ultima ALONE. and you figure 70k subscribers at 12 bux a month , thats like 800k a Month. So are they really worried about losing some more people and the game dieing out? Maybe, maybe not. What they do need to realize however is when the gamer went to **** the numbers droped from 250k to 70k REALLy fast.
Next is the sorry attempt to keep peoples attention in game. Yes some of us LOVE the new colors of cloth and able to dye gear. The artifacts OMG so amazing. You mean i can INSURE my items and never lose them again(long as i have the money of course). Sorry to half decent events at best. NO advertising for the game to bring in new players? What if they see a game that looks to be outdated theyre not going to be intersted?? For the game to grow its apon the players to reach out to there peers and bring them in?
My point is simple. We want the return of old players and a few new players running around with the [Young] Tag? I think its rather simple. Lets take a look at Mugen and Seig. No insure so on so fourth, artys still exist, pvp is the same, skills still exist. Lets go back to Pre aos, ATLEAST to before pub16.
Power Hour, Moonstones, No insurance, No bushido,Chiv,Elfs,Ninja, So on so fourth. TAKE away advance char tokens, get rid of ALL and everything new from pub16 on AT THE VERY LEAST. Custom houses?? What are those?? Necros? You talking bout the old necro regs that have no use? 2 Servers is the idea. Lets see this happen.
O and one other thing. Tell me why the game has been out 10years and we have YET to see ALL the virtues become active. Also to everyone who still plays and will rip this threa to peices, for grammer, my name whatever your reason. Do you all remeber starting out, How AWSOME the community was? You had qustions, u got anwsers in polite manners, not a go F yourself.
Anyways LATE.
A few thoughts. One is the new exp, maybe i haven't looked enough into this, but is it still the plan to get rid of the 2d cilent? As for 2d and 3d i have looked into it, and when 3rd dawn came out there was less THEN HALF of the subscribers using it. WHat does this mean? Simple we play the game becuase of community, unmatched gameplay, Pvp,PVM etc. NOT becuase of the graphics. So if the new exp gets rid of the 2d Client how many subscribers do YOU think EA will lose?
Ive done some digging and looking around into roughly how much EA makes off Ultima ALONE. and you figure 70k subscribers at 12 bux a month , thats like 800k a Month. So are they really worried about losing some more people and the game dieing out? Maybe, maybe not. What they do need to realize however is when the gamer went to **** the numbers droped from 250k to 70k REALLy fast.
Next is the sorry attempt to keep peoples attention in game. Yes some of us LOVE the new colors of cloth and able to dye gear. The artifacts OMG so amazing. You mean i can INSURE my items and never lose them again(long as i have the money of course). Sorry to half decent events at best. NO advertising for the game to bring in new players? What if they see a game that looks to be outdated theyre not going to be intersted?? For the game to grow its apon the players to reach out to there peers and bring them in?
My point is simple. We want the return of old players and a few new players running around with the [Young] Tag? I think its rather simple. Lets take a look at Mugen and Seig. No insure so on so fourth, artys still exist, pvp is the same, skills still exist. Lets go back to Pre aos, ATLEAST to before pub16.
Power Hour, Moonstones, No insurance, No bushido,Chiv,Elfs,Ninja, So on so fourth. TAKE away advance char tokens, get rid of ALL and everything new from pub16 on AT THE VERY LEAST. Custom houses?? What are those?? Necros? You talking bout the old necro regs that have no use? 2 Servers is the idea. Lets see this happen.
O and one other thing. Tell me why the game has been out 10years and we have YET to see ALL the virtues become active. Also to everyone who still plays and will rip this threa to peices, for grammer, my name whatever your reason. Do you all remeber starting out, How AWSOME the community was? You had qustions, u got anwsers in polite manners, not a go F yourself.
Anyways LATE.