So with 0 EP I need 125 str/dex to get to 150 with potions?
No alchemy
(target str/dex) - (potion boost) = starting str/dex
00% EP 150 - 20 = 130
25% EP 150 - 25 = 125
50% EP 150 - 30 = 120
GM Alchemy
(target str/dex) - (potion/skill boost) = starting str/dex
00% EP 150 - 30 = 120
25% EP 150 - 31 = 119
50% EP 150 - 36 = 114
does it only work with GM alch or say i have 40 extra skill points would i just get a lesser bonus? personally id be more likely to just put more points in chiv or something more useful :/
I found the release notes and it was pub 73 to answer the alchemy question. It does work with lower skill points. So you get a 10% Enhance potion bonus every 33 alchemy skill.
The release note says,
"•Alchemy will now provide a similar functionality to enhance potions as magic resist does to base resistances.
•Combined Enhanced Potions Effect will remain as Alchemy / 3.3 + Enhace Potions = (30 + 75)
•Minimum Enhance potions effect = Alchemy / 2.0 ( 0-50%)" [sic]
Looks like the equation is
Stat increase = boost * (1 + (EP% + trunc(skill/3.3))/100)
boost = 20
skill = 100
EP% = 50
so, stat increase = 20*(1+ (50 + 30)/100) = 20 *1.8 = 36
p.s. A rose of trinsic boosts the str by +5 and lasts 5 minutes. I think the consuming period restriction is longer though. You can have five lower str if needed.