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Pre-patched Cu Sidhe


I got a pre-patched Cu Sidhe which is 4 slot.I tried to release and retame and it still doesnt change to 3 slots. Any advise how to fix it ? or it is non fixable? Thanks


Stratics Veteran
Good evening Neton.. as part of a fix they did in pub 99 to address exploit issues the release retam method no longer works..but there is hope... just don't press the blue button to start the progress bar on any pre pub beetles ,cu , hiryus, lesser..etc.. as this saves the slot of the current pet... they are working on a fix once all parts of pub 100 are in place with anyluck once its out you will see those 4 slot drop back to 3 and 3 down to 1..... but once again don't press the blue button because once it saves the slot in the code of the pet its kind of out of luck.... =* [( we are doing testing to see if you can work one that has started the bar to 100% then red button it to default ..to see if maybe it will drop back to 3 ..but until they add the fix to the pub we cant confirm if this works yet) Until then just keep those beauties stabled and soon they will be ready for action...Hope this helps mate.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post here , or message me.. =^-^=
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Thank you Donavon, that's a wonderful news. It is a very good stats white Cu Sidhe which would be a waste if only 1 round of training.


Stratics Veteran
My pleasure mate.. just keep it stabled and don't press that blue button and like they did with bane dragon and dreads that were being effected by the early slot jump bug in pub 97 until 98.. you should soon see a fix in pub 100.. even though that was a slot jump bug in 97 and this one is just a side effect keeping returning pets from taking the current slot standard for said pet.. keep heart and soon you will see your pure white beauty back to 3 slot and ready for action =^-^=
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i release and retame so many times and its wrestling is down to 11.x but i m bring it back up patiently waiting for the fix. Thanks