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[Discussion] Pre- patch shipwreck items??


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Is there any value to any of them?? are some item more desirable/harder to find than others..or are they trash for turn in points??...just getting around to cleaning out my shipwreck chest....taaa...


Captn Norrington

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I usually see them on Atlantic vendors for about 100k-500k, not sure if any of them actually sell at that price though.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Skulls and bones generally don't seem to sell at any price.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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When I have them in the shop... Pillows, shells, skulls, sm/med paintings are all under 50k... everything else is under 200k with the exception of wearables might go for a bit more.

A sold a full set for more via stratics, but it included everything, including items that had multiple directions. You can try and search for it if it means a lot to you


Always Present
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mmm was kinda looking to see what a full collection would be.. albeit the painting etc can be turned....
found ya olde post in nano seconds..its a grrat search engine!!!!alas u didnt list them...

soooo,,,,ive got 8 diff style shells, stool, wood chest, metal chest, globe, candlebra,broken clock ,unfinished barrel, 6 diff style cushions and i think 8 diff style paintings, 2 skulls and one bones and one boots?.....

is there much more missing...any info would be great...

gonna bang all my doubles etc etc on vendor 50-100k like Assia suggested
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes there is still a bunch missing.

You can see if you can search this forum for it and my post might still have a graphic of the full set.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
An' yes... the paintings can be turned to change colors... however, I consider a "full set" to have both graphics so they can display both directions if they choose.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
unfortunate there is no piccy or list....but thanks again...just after making a close to a full set as i can .....for the museum displays for year 1999 i guess??


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The only ones that have significant value over a couple hundred k are wearables. I also usually get 1-5 mil for the "lady in red" picture. tricorn hat is popular, regular boots are most popular footwear. Ive paid around 25 mil for prepatch regular boots.


Always Present
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I'm interested in the boots and I also collect tricorn hats. Please send me a msg when you have time if you have these items :)