Just complete my new computer build yesterday and went about downloading UO. Went to the website, saw the big "Play Now" button, and downloaded the streamlined installers for Classic and Enhanced. Now about 75% done downloading the Classic client.
In the past I've been critical of the UO website, so I wanted to take the time to say the current one--as far as getting to the game files--is a two-click perfection. Much appreciated. The Play Guide is decent, too...but MyUO ...but what ya gonna do. I miss seeing that big veteran symbol when you looked up characters...getting to 700 skill was an "achievement" .
In the past I've been critical of the UO website, so I wanted to take the time to say the current one--as far as getting to the game files--is a two-click perfection. Much appreciated. The Play Guide is decent, too...but MyUO ...but what ya gonna do. I miss seeing that big veteran symbol when you looked up characters...getting to 700 skill was an "achievement" .
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