Below is the item list for our upcoming Halloween Auction! We hope to see you all there Saturday October 25th at 7 eastern. We will be having a Halloween cake walk.
Talismans and Jewelry (10k)
Old School Fur (300K)
Blue Hair Dye (25K)
Warforks/Knights Kiss/Axe (10 K)
Agapite Bone Harvester (750 K)
2 Potted Plants (trees) (2mil)
2 Copper War Forks (1 mil)
2 Strong Boxes (500K)
2 AOS Roses (400K)
Poor Mans Orni (100K)
Locked Chest of Heirlooms (100K)
Faded Gold Tokuno Dye (100K)
Various Boards in Deed (800k)
2 Bronze War Forks (1mil)
4 Soulstone Fragment Tokens (1mil)
5 Cursed Doom Arties (1mil)
Imprisoned Albino Squirel in Prizm (50K)
4 Scrolls of Alacrity (Tactics) (1mil)
Armour/Sheilds/Heart of Lion (100K)
Gauntlets of Nobility (350k)
Swords of Prosp and Darkened Sky (1mil)
Serpents Fang (250K)
ML Ingredients (1mil)
Shadow Iron Warfork (500K)
31 Various Lvl (18 are L6) Treasure Maps( 75K)
Buddy Token (1.5mil)
White Hair Dye (800k)
Ranger Armout (500k)
Dryad Bow (250k)
Cloak of Corruption (300k)
Shadow Iron Warfork (500K)
Practice Weapon Set (800K)
Swords of Prosperity (2mil)
200 Gold Cloth (50k)
Agapite Diamond Mace (500k)
Folded Stell Glasses (1mil)
Saddle (2mil)
Blackmoor (400k)
120 Spellweaving (400k)
Talismans and Jewelry (10k)
Old School Fur (300K)
Blue Hair Dye (25K)
Warforks/Knights Kiss/Axe (10 K)
Agapite Bone Harvester (750 K)
2 Potted Plants (trees) (2mil)
2 Copper War Forks (1 mil)
2 Strong Boxes (500K)
2 AOS Roses (400K)
Poor Mans Orni (100K)
Locked Chest of Heirlooms (100K)
Faded Gold Tokuno Dye (100K)
Various Boards in Deed (800k)
2 Bronze War Forks (1mil)
4 Soulstone Fragment Tokens (1mil)
5 Cursed Doom Arties (1mil)
Imprisoned Albino Squirel in Prizm (50K)
4 Scrolls of Alacrity (Tactics) (1mil)
Armour/Sheilds/Heart of Lion (100K)
Gauntlets of Nobility (350k)
Swords of Prosp and Darkened Sky (1mil)
Serpents Fang (250K)
ML Ingredients (1mil)
Shadow Iron Warfork (500K)
31 Various Lvl (18 are L6) Treasure Maps( 75K)
Buddy Token (1.5mil)
White Hair Dye (800k)
Ranger Armout (500k)
Dryad Bow (250k)
Cloak of Corruption (300k)
Shadow Iron Warfork (500K)
Practice Weapon Set (800K)
Swords of Prosperity (2mil)
200 Gold Cloth (50k)
Agapite Diamond Mace (500k)
Folded Stell Glasses (1mil)
Saddle (2mil)
Blackmoor (400k)
120 Spellweaving (400k)