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[Buying] Powerscrolls



Does anyone know a good vendor that sells the lower end (105-115) powerscrolls? I checked around Luna but all I found was vendors selling 120 scrolls. Thanks.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are no longer many vendors that sell these because of Scroll Binders. Most people save the lower scrolls to make the 120's. If you list which ones you need people can tell you whether or not they have them though. I may even have a few of them.


Thanks Krinkle. Scroll Binders? Sorry for my ignorance but I have been out of the game for a little over two years and don't have SA yet.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crafted by scribes. They allow you to bundle a bunch of power scrolls (or scrolls of transcendence) into a single scroll of higher value. I think it's something like 20 105's make a 120.


Oh okay I remember seeing that on my scribe's crafting menu. I assumed it was like the BOD books but for powerscrolls.