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Power rangers RPM


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still cant believe that they going to stop after this series on power rangers. So Far as i watched power rangers rpm it been very good. I hoping that they keep the good work up on power rangers rpm.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had no idea they were still on! I remember them though, never really got into it. Fire,Ice,Wind!


My son was into Power Rangers big time a few years ago. Our favorite was Wild Force, and we think they've been going downhill since then. We haven't really watched it since the Overdrive generation. They started making them into slackers who kind of fell into being rangers, rather than deserving kids trying to make the world a better place.

Can't really blame them for calling it after this one...

Little Sadie

I had no idea they were still on too. My son has all the original Power Rangers stashed in the attic along with all the junk that came with it. We also have the original TMNT collection too. LOL!

Umm, exactly how old are you?

Come on Soup! Don't you still watch certain cartoons? I still watch Baby Looney Toons, Spongebob, and Bugs Bunny and I'm in my cough, cough, 40s! What's up Doc?:D


I try to watch cartoons once in a while but i like reality stuff, gives me a good laugh. Im usually doing something else though, mostly homework, taking AP Statistics next year along with pre-cal. Wish me luck!