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Posted this to the devs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I posted this to the devs on there forums why do you think of this idea.

This year has got me thinking. We have had a hard year with the pandemic. I dont think anyone has been untouched by it. I ask you for a favor. We have lost to many to the pandemic I was wondering if there is anyway to put a Monument up somewhere on the shards. It does not have to have the names of people.

In are would we have Monument of the unknown soldier.

We could just have one of the tombs in game already become Tomb of the unknown players. Something like that. With just some additional decorations.

This would also cover the friends and people we have lost over the past 23 years.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get where you're coming from but memorials are a common request. Memorials for family, friends, events, etc. As much as I loathe the current dev team's direction of the game, if they put a memorial in every time one was asked - UO would look like nothing but one continuous graveyard. Let's leave the memorials where they belong, with the living.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get where you're coming from but memorials are a common request. Memorials for family, friends, events, etc. As much as I loathe the current dev team's direction of the game, if they put a memorial in every time one was asked - UO would look like nothing but one continuous graveyard. Let's leave the memorials where they belong, with the living.
i believe what the op was saying was have 1 memorial that is dedicated to all the players we've lost along the way. Not putting up memorials for every individual player but 1 big one to fulfill the same job.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes to put one big one up on all the shards right now we have small ones for some people but what about the ones for people who can't get them setup for a friend. That is why its for the Unseen but not forgotten people of ulitma online


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get where you're coming from but memorials are a common request. Memorials for family, friends, events, etc. As much as I loathe the current dev team's direction of the game, if they put a memorial in every time one was asked - UO would look like nothing but one continuous graveyard. Let's leave the memorials where they belong, with the living.
Walk some of the shards you have vast open areas then run into a memorial for someone.. heck a township on Atlantic fel just went idoc. Don't think there any of the players still there.

You had Barter towns taken down becasue someone did not like it and wanted to place there. It toke years I think to get it back. Not sure but @Stinky Pete would know how long it toke him to get it back


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
A noble suggestion. Let us know if you get any response on the official forums.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I'm pretty indifferent on this topic but I do think that it is a bit comical that something like putting up a memorial in game (that at face value seems noble to quote Merlin) would be something multiple people seem to disagree strongly about as posts suggest.

Again it's not that I really have a horse in the race but to me this perfectly describes UO for the longest time; it doesn't matter what the actual suggestion/topic is there will be people that oppose whatever it is. Just one of those things that makes you go "hmm".


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The sentiment behind this idea is a noble one, but memorials for out-of-game tragedies aren't really appropriate. Sosaria isn't Earth. There are far better forums, both IRL and digital, for people to express their collective grief.

Memorials for lost individual players aren't difficult to set up and are, for the most part, appropriate...if sometimes somewhat poorly designed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We don't know how many died that played the game. We have alot people from the start of the game. It's for all players of the game that passed.


Crazed Zealot
The sentiment behind this idea is a noble one, but memorials for out-of-game tragedies aren't really appropriate. Sosaria isn't Earth. There are far better forums, both IRL and digital, for people to express their collective grief.

Memorials for lost individual players aren't difficult to set up and are, for the most part, appropriate...if sometimes somewhat poorly designed.
There is no but here, and the OP clearly posted that the memorial if any would be for Memorial for the Unknown Player, and he referred specifically to players that have died due to Covid or any reason, but they were players. Also, by having one memorial for the remembrance of those that have left this word in RL, may diminish having 500-1000 individual memorials scattered here and there. So I know this is super sad subject, but you must give him credit, and yes this is a noble recommendation. I reckon..

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
i pray they put graves in graveyards, not in front of peoples house.
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Crazed Zealot
i pray they put graves in graveyards, not in front of peoples house.
Agree. Also they can "memorialize" the player's that died home, and state the fact on the house sign. Also keep the house indestructible perhaps might be a nice touch, unless those who "inherited" it decide to do something else with it such as demolish, sell etc? Not sure about the last part though. Hopefully not too may of will die soon enough..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have my accounts set up so if I die witch almost happend 2 years ago my 18x18 will drop 3 months before my Atl castle. In there I put a book with my master account and game passwords so someone will get the information to save the castle if they want to. I also have a lock box at the bank irl for my wife if I pass she gets it. Inside it are all my passwords and a few names of people I trust that will help deal with my games belongings. If she does nothing in that time before the 18x18 falls its her lost.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I have my accounts set up so if I die witch almost happend 2 years ago my 18x18 will drop 3 months before my Atl castle. In there I put a book with my master account and game passwords so someone will get the information to save the castle if they want to. I also have a lock box at the bank irl for my wife if I pass she gets it. Inside it are all my passwords and a few names of people I trust that will help deal with my games belongings. If she does nothing in that time before the 18x18 falls its her lost.
Wow that is pretty well thought out. That said, I notice that you haven't given your wife the PW to your accounts already... don't want her to fudge up your perfectly good templates and make your chars look like newbs?? I don't blame ya! My wife doesn't have my PW either! :hahaha:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow that is pretty well thought out. That said, I notice that you haven't given your wife the PW to your accounts already... don't want her to fudge up your perfectly good templates and make your chars look like newbs?? I don't blame ya! My wife doesn't have my PW either! :hahaha:
My wife does not play the game. She tried once now I have a ej account that only has 3 chars on it. She does not like playing games but broad games.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm pretty indifferent on this topic but I do think that it is a bit comical that something like putting up a memorial in-game (that at face value seems noble to quote Merlin) would be something multiple people seem to disagree strongly about as posts suggest.
You'll have that anytime there is an abstract topic; the fact we can discuss it like adults and not turn to poo-flinging is the divider between comical and simply being an adult. So I'm not really sure why you're shocked that people have a difference of opinion here. The idea isn't noble, it's just an idea that has merit from a certain point of view.

Look, I strongly disagree with in-game memorials because the game is escapism for me and not an extension of my actual life. Yep, I have in-game friends, I've met them in real life, I text some of them daily. However, for the ones that have passed, I do not need or want that constant reminder in my escape - I'll remember them in other ways and in other places.

I could get behind the idea of one single memorial for all players that have passed and not related to a specific event. Memorizing their house? Certainly not, I want that castle spot for active players, not some 36x36 gravestone. Memorial for just Covid? No, because then we'll want one for every school shooting, terrorist event, tragic accident, and in-game is not the place for those.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
So I'm not really sure why you're shocked that people have a difference of opinion here.
I never said I was shocked. I said I thought it was funny. Honestly it doesn't matter what the topic is when it comes to UO there is ALWAYS a difference of opinion. That's the point i was making. I can't think of a single thing that everyone has ever agreed on.

To further elaborate on why I think it's funny because obviously you wanted to make a comment on my post... to be so against something like a 2x2 memorial in some random and semi obscure location (let's just say behind Cove bank near the mountains) that literally has zero impact on anyone's game play is funny because you don't have to go see it or even go near it (how often is anyone going behind Cove bank?). So for something like a memorial which I'd consider a toss up topic (again not for or against), why does it really matter if it goes in? You say it's because "just Covid" but that is completely different from any other thing you mentioned because it's a global pandemic which impacts literally every single country in the world (unlike a school shooting/terrorist event/accident etc).

If you take that stance and strongly disagree with a memorial (because again "just Covid") then i guess you also disagree with Xmas gifts every year and you were in support of no gifts this year right? Because it's just Xmas... not everywhere or everyone celebrates it so we should probably do away with it according to your logic. right?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never said I was shocked. I said I thought it was funny. Honestly it doesn't matter what the topic is when it comes to UO there is ALWAYS a difference of opinion. That's the point i was making. I can't think of a single thing that everyone has ever agreed on.

To further elaborate on why I think it's funny because obviously you wanted to make a comment on my post... to be so against something like a 2x2 memorial in some random and semi obscure location (let's just say behind Cove bank near the mountains) that literally has zero impact on anyone's game play is funny because you don't have to go see it or even go near it (how often is anyone going behind Cove bank?). So for something like a memorial which I'd consider a toss up topic (again not for or against), why does it really matter if it goes in? You say it's because "just Covid" but that is completely different from any other thing you mentioned because it's a global pandemic which impacts literally every single country in the world (unlike a school shooting/terrorist event/accident etc).

If you take that stance and strongly disagree with a memorial (because again "just Covid") then i guess you also disagree with Xmas gifts every year and you were in support of no gifts this year right? Because it's just Xmas... not everywhere or everyone celebrates it so we should probably do away with it according to your logic. right?
That's an awfully nice straw man you got going there. My main point is that I do not need a reminder of my deceeded loved ones in a game that I use to escape the trappings of everyday life. However, we're not going to agree, so I think I'll exit this conversation here.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
That's an awfully nice straw man you got going there. My main point is that I do not need a reminder of my deceeded loved ones in a game that I use to escape the trappings of everyday life. However, we're not going to agree, so I think I'll exit this conversation here.
How would you be reminded when the memorial is not a place you ever go? You also never answered my question about not having Christmas presents.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm pretty indifferent on this topic but I do think that it is a bit comical that something like putting up a memorial in game (that at face value seems noble to quote Merlin) would be something multiple people seem to disagree strongly about as posts suggest.

Again it's not that I really have a horse in the race but to me this perfectly describes UO for the longest time; it doesn't matter what the actual suggestion/topic is there will be people that oppose whatever it is. Just one of those things that makes you go "hmm".
You have walked around this planet for a few years and you can't wrap your head around the fact that it doesn't just perfectly describe UO. It perfectly describes all of humankind when it comes to choosing sides on any topic.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
You have walked around this planet for a few years and you can't wrap your head around the fact that it doesn't just perfectly describe UO. It perfectly describes all of humankind when it comes to choosing sides on any topic.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'll have that anytime there is an abstract topic; the fact we can discuss it like adults and not turn to poo-flinging is the divider between comical and simply being an adult. So I'm not really sure why you're shocked that people have a difference of opinion here. The idea isn't noble, it's just an idea that has merit from a certain point of view.

Look, I strongly disagree with in-game memorials because the game is escapism for me and not an extension of my actual life. Yep, I have in-game friends, I've met them in real life, I text some of them daily. However, for the ones that have passed, I do not need or want that constant reminder in my escape - I'll remember them in other ways and in other places.

I could get behind the idea of one single memorial for all players that have passed and not related to a specific event. Memorizing their house? Certainly not, I want that castle spot for active players, not some 36x36 gravestone. Memorial for just Covid? No, because then we'll want one for every school shooting, terrorist event, tragic accident, and in-game is not the place for those.
This is different. Do you realize globally we (the human race) is on track to surpass the 1889-1890 Flu Pandemic in deaths, we've already passed the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.
Our lives are forever changed, period. There is no telling the number of past UO players we have lost and I have no idea how many current. The point is by grieving TOGETHER we also heal TOGETHER. I honestly believe there is no family left untouched by this horrible, horrible pandemic in one way or another. It doesn't have to in the middle of a freakin city. Put it somewhere secluded where you don't have to see unless you want to see it. How about Reg Volum? It's already a sort of tomb/temple like structure. Also the Ethereal Warriors look like angels to me, so that's a nice touch don't you think? I don't know I'm just throwing out ideas. Its so depressing to see UO players poo-poo every single idea that comes down the pike.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
now for the unpopular opinion...

No. Pass. I play the game to escape reality.. not to have reminders thrown in my face. Leave the real world ******** in the real world. Now... IF you want to craft some global fiction that mimics the real world and have a 'Memorial' of that (say like a Monument to the Garg sickness that ran rampant a while back) sure.... other than that? Pass..