Samhain Festival
Join us Tuesday Night October 27th for a spooky night of fun as the Glade of Aegis welcomes the spirits of the night with song and merriment. Events planned for the night.
Haunted Tournament-Three Divisions to compete in.
1. Sheets and shrouds.- No armour or jewelery may be worn. Shrouds only. Weapon must be one bought from a town blacksmith. No shields.
2. Patchwork Ghouls-Up to 2 pieces of armour only. No shields or jewelery. Weapon must be bought from a town Blacksmith.
3. Undying Nightmare-More then two pieces of armor. Weapon of your choice. No shields or jewelery.
Spooky Story Telling Contest
Join us in the dungeon of the Ghost's Rest and spin a tale of terror. Stories must be original and suitable for most audiences. Cider and Pie will be served.
Great Pumpkin Race
A relay race along a marked path. Winning team will receive a prize.
Pumpkin Hunt
Find our merry little friends
Hidden within the glade. A prize will be awarded for the most found.
Costume Contest
Dress for the night in a wild array of colorful costumes. Be prepared to act out through story, verse or song who and what you are.
Country Raffle
Buy a ticket, take a chance. Items for the raffle will be on display prior to the drawing, ticket sellers will be available.
Dunk Tank
A favorite from a couple of years has returned. We will have dunkees on hand, or you may challenge another to sit in the seat above the water.
The Belfry
Only the stoutest of hearts will venture to Amelia's belfry. Learn what the fates hold in store for you, ask about love and power. But be ware the kiss of the Vampire Bats which fly overhead.
More events may be added as the night approaches.
The Ghost's Rest is located in the haunted Glade of Aegis. The first Clearing south of the Yew Trammel Gate. Events start at 9pm by the eastern skies. Hope to see you there.
Join us Tuesday Night October 27th for a spooky night of fun as the Glade of Aegis welcomes the spirits of the night with song and merriment. Events planned for the night.
Haunted Tournament-Three Divisions to compete in.
1. Sheets and shrouds.- No armour or jewelery may be worn. Shrouds only. Weapon must be one bought from a town blacksmith. No shields.
2. Patchwork Ghouls-Up to 2 pieces of armour only. No shields or jewelery. Weapon must be bought from a town Blacksmith.
3. Undying Nightmare-More then two pieces of armor. Weapon of your choice. No shields or jewelery.
Spooky Story Telling Contest
Join us in the dungeon of the Ghost's Rest and spin a tale of terror. Stories must be original and suitable for most audiences. Cider and Pie will be served.
Great Pumpkin Race
A relay race along a marked path. Winning team will receive a prize.
Pumpkin Hunt
Find our merry little friends
Hidden within the glade. A prize will be awarded for the most found.
Costume Contest
Dress for the night in a wild array of colorful costumes. Be prepared to act out through story, verse or song who and what you are.
Country Raffle
Buy a ticket, take a chance. Items for the raffle will be on display prior to the drawing, ticket sellers will be available.
Dunk Tank
A favorite from a couple of years has returned. We will have dunkees on hand, or you may challenge another to sit in the seat above the water.
The Belfry
Only the stoutest of hearts will venture to Amelia's belfry. Learn what the fates hold in store for you, ask about love and power. But be ware the kiss of the Vampire Bats which fly overhead.
More events may be added as the night approaches.
The Ghost's Rest is located in the haunted Glade of Aegis. The first Clearing south of the Yew Trammel Gate. Events start at 9pm by the eastern skies. Hope to see you there.