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Possibly Transfering



Hi, I'm considering moving a character (probably my garg caster) to this shard. I'm seeking information about the community here and how it might mesh into my playstyle.

A little about me: I'm pretty casual, I've got a wife, kids, and job so my playtime is limited to evenings (6 or 7pm - around 11pm EST) I do not like PvP. I suck at it, actually. PvM is my strong point, I have some experience with roleplay and could probably adjust to that decently well. I'm inquisitive, helpful when I can be, and usually off getting myself killed by who knows what. I love events, hunts, and I get a little obsessive at times about bettering my character. :gee:

So, if you would be so kind, tell me a bit about this shard. Maybe I'll see you soon. :)


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well i moved to this shard 8 years ago and love it ! The people are friendly and most will go out of your way to help! Its population is medium so not to big and not to small just right!
There are all kinds of events from the ems! I believe the next on is the britain games (our Olympics)
In the posts below this one you will see we have community hunts almost every day at about the time you play!

Hope to see you in game and welcome to ls

Warsong of LS

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Come on over. Good group of players here that run events every week and not just pvm events.