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Possible Scam Alert



Because this is important to us right here in the Tamers forum, I'm linking this post from Stratics Rares Collector Forum regarding illegal/prohibited named pets.

To be crystal clear, I have absolutely knowlege or belief that the OP's unnamed friend in the linked thread is anything less than completely legitimate and I am given no reason to believe that player didn't really, truly, in fact, discover that pet tucked away in the stables on an old, but recently purchased account.

What I *am* doing is highlighting the possibility of potential scamming with the ability to re-name pets with illegal and/or otherwise prohibited names.

<font color="red">NOTE TO ALL:- I'd strongly caution against spending anything more on a pet with a "special name" than I'd spend on that very same pet without the "special name" because illegal/prohibited names (eg, Lord British, Royal Stablemaster, Royal Underwater Basketweaver, etc) are most certainly doable. </font>

Good luck, good hunting, and be careful out there.


Excuse me missy but I am and happen to have always been the "Royal Underwater Basketweaver" of the kingdom. So meh!


And here I thought I was teh hot stuffz cuz I was Royal Stall Mucker-Outter...



Is there talk that having pet names with extra spaces being a problem?

I have named some of mine with longer names but nothing illegal or uo char type names or offensive in any way. It's just allowed in KR. Just wondering if I should change them back to shorter names.

Even naming pets in KR something like "This is my big cow" is buggy. You can end up with spaces in the beginning and the end of the name if you don't edit them out.


While I do not have any official word on this as yet, I seriously doubt that the extra spaces in your pets' names will be any problem, Zooithion.

I suspect it's more a matter of what your pets' names are, and whether they are acceptable in accordance with UO's Naming Policy under their ToS which can be found right Here .

Yes, naming in KR is fiddly &amp; there is also increased character spaces to play with than in the 2D client. Someone mentioned as many as 29 useable char spaces in KR pet names.

My gut thought on this is simply that provided your pet names that don't trigger the 2D naming filter (illegal/prohibited/profane, etc), you're most likely to be just fine in KR. Again, I really doubt the spaces themselves are any problem.

I'd say it's just fine to name your pet "A Big Red Loveable Doggie," or even "Vile Instrument of Slow Agonising Death."

It isn't okay to name pets with inappropriate, profane, or prohibited names and anyone doing so risks their account.

According to EAMythic, "inappropriate" includes Ultima Fiction char names, too, so steer clear of anything like:- "Lord Blackthorn's Mechano Mount of Uberness" or the example screenie of a horse entitled "Lord British's Royal Steed."