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[Discussion] Possible rare item



Hey, Guys.

I have an item that i believe may be a rare/error item.

It is a keg of potions that is "completely full" yet weighs only 28 stones.

Ive checked it in both clients and also had a couple of other people look at it.

(Elandra Star of Chessy and Sir Ace of Chessy)

Here are a couple of Screenies

(screenies in next message)

Havent ever seen anything like this and just wanted to check with the people who would know.

Thank you for any help,

Talashar, Chesapeake


The keg itself

My weight without the keg in my inventory:

and my weight with the keg in my pack


Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It might 'technically' be a glitched item and thus "rare", but I think you'll be hard pressed to find a strong market for it unfortunately. Items that are glitched on weight often have a habit of being reverted at some point down the line. Good luck with it though.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not a rare :/

Most old kegs (found on old houses falling, idocs) are full even at 20 stones.


Not a problem im still fairly new and wasnt sure. I just noticed it was "strange" thank you all for your replies!