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[Discussion] portrait



I picked up a "portrait" at an idoc in the middle of a bunch of old rares. It looks like one of the fishing portriats (not the red lady), but it doens't have any of the shipwreck information.

Where did this come from and is it rare and if so how much do they sell for? Is it just an old prepatch fished up portrait or is it just a bugged fishing item? Something different?

I did the search this forum option and didn't provide me with the information other than seeing some for sale a few years ago. And before someone asks for pictures, i am at work and can't post any.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
weezer, if it's what I think it is, don't hang it in your house, it will become static... sounds like one of those, anyway... I had one some time ago, didn't realize what it was, and needed to page a GM to get it removed

as for where they come from, I haven't a clue:eek:


I still have it in my backpack (glad i havn't tried to place it anywhere yet).

Anyone else have any information on this?


Thank you bliss and devils for the replies you made! I appreciate them.

Is there anyone else out there who can help me with the value of the item and let me know where it came from?

I would appreciate any help you could give.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Befor I quit 2 years ago I had a full set of "Portrait" and "Painting" They were server birth rares and they could be hung up with no problem. Now that I am back I wish I had just banked all my rares. Oh well, you never know!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
serverbith, and you are able to hang it up,
have some of these.

Price i dont know, but there are not lot around!
