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[Gardening] Poppy Dust IDs STACKS of seeds!



I had stacks of seeds which I believed would grow to XXX but because they came from crosses, they were only identified as "a red seed" or whatever...

When I double-clicked on a poppy dust and targeted the stack I figured it would pull one off and ID the one but it doesn't... The stack now says "a red rushes seed"

Very cool. I hope it was intended to work that way, Sak, and that I'm not spreading a bug or exploit.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does each seed now say that?

You turn a whole stack into a single type?

Am I reading this correct?

If I am, it sure sounds like a bug. If we had a very popular plant type then it could change to an exploit.


I had a stack of 20 "Red Seeds". I knew they were all the same type or they wouldn't have stacked. I thought I knew they were rushes but I used Poppy Dust on the stack and now the stack of 20 says "Red Rushes Seed".

I haven't peeled one seed off the stack.