Icky woke up to hear Ozog calling to her from the roof. She stretched, then stood up too quickly and banged her head against a low-growing branch of the apple tree. "Owww!" she said. "Ozog... whatz you needz?"
"Come upz toos da roof!" called Ozog.
Icky dashed upstairs, then gasped in shock at the sight of the little goblin standing before her. For a moment, she wondered if the bump on her head had somehow affected her eyesight; but then Ozog spoke...
"Mees wanted hers to turn mees green," he sighed. "But she lik dis color betters."
"Ohhhs, Ozog! Yooos iz PINK!" cried Icky.
Ozog nodded and shook his head.
"Wills da color warez offs?" asked Icky.
"Mees notz sures," replied Ozog. "Mees gotz ta goes nowz... mees soos tiredz. Nite, Icky."
"Yoos tries ta git sum goos sleeps," Icky called after him as she watched him go.
Icky returned to her own bed underneath the apple tree, taking care to avoid any low-hanging branches this time. "She cud hab maid himz blue," she mumbled under her breath. "After alls, himz IS a boy..."

"Come upz toos da roof!" called Ozog.
Icky dashed upstairs, then gasped in shock at the sight of the little goblin standing before her. For a moment, she wondered if the bump on her head had somehow affected her eyesight; but then Ozog spoke...
"Mees wanted hers to turn mees green," he sighed. "But she lik dis color betters."
"Ohhhs, Ozog! Yooos iz PINK!" cried Icky.
Ozog nodded and shook his head.
"Wills da color warez offs?" asked Icky.
"Mees notz sures," replied Ozog. "Mees gotz ta goes nowz... mees soos tiredz. Nite, Icky."
"Yoos tries ta git sum goos sleeps," Icky called after him as she watched him go.
Icky returned to her own bed underneath the apple tree, taking care to avoid any low-hanging branches this time. "She cud hab maid himz blue," she mumbled under her breath. "After alls, himz IS a boy..."

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