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[Discussion] Poll - Which Mesanna Lantern is Worth More?

Poll: Which Mesanna Lantern is worth more?

  • The Chesapeake Lantern of course, because I'm from Chesapeake.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Considering the number of Mesanna lanterns that are now out there, how do you determine their value? By their age, color, rarity, name, or shard origin? I am just curious to use these 2 lanterns of similar color and approximately equal quantity as a sample test for the rares community. They are either worth more or less between 5m - 50m or 50m to 500m in price difference.

I Won Playing Lets Make A Deal Against Mesanna On Chessy (Lantern) (~20)

I Won Mesanna's Lets Make A Deal On Baja (~30)

ps - need a better photo of the Chesapeake lantern


Maybe if your compared pictures were ATLEAST from the same client.... You are showing the 2D Chessy, and EC Baja...


honestly, although the new mesanna 'lanternstormmmm' lanterns are 'pretteh' in their own right.. i only consider the 'classic' mesanna lanterns to be truly rare.

these include all lanterns up to the first light of riot hued one. the 'i could not see' lantern, the i saw the light one, etc.


You asked the wrong question.

The real question is : Which Mesanna Lantern is worth less?

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I agree, the newly introduced "want-to-be metallic" hued lanterns have honestly become a category
on their own apart from the older Mesanna lanterns. She has taken it a bit too far, though some
collectors might enjoy adding these to their lantern collections. Time to pick a new graphic and add
some funky colors in my opinion.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
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More votes please


mesanna was hidden-chatting last night with General about choosing colors for a new Atlantic lantern this week, just FYI ;)

i'm a lantern junkie so hey, i'll take it. as long as she keeps picking new colors, its fine. i consider it badly needed redistribution of wealth! its fun to watch a poor new player get a random event item lantern and suddenly get 100m for it.

one positive effect of the recent EM item rain storms - server birth and truly 'rare' items have skyrocketed in value. many traders both casual and serious have dropped out of the game since it is so expensive to stay current with EVERY rare. lower end trues have become more attainable and the higher end ones have gone up in value as more people consider s7+ EM items to be in a category of their own, separate from classic rares.

now you have 'everything' collectors, just classic EM item collectors, server birth only collectors, and new EM item collectors (usually people newer to the game just starting to display items) instead of just 'rares collectors' in general.

cool ;)

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
anymore votes or opinions on this?

Something or Other

Stratics Veteran
I don't care for the Mesanna crap in general, 99% of her "brand" items are just downright u-g-l-y, taking the in-game graphics down a road that is disappointingly far from the original style. I'm sure all you technicolored cubists out there get all hot and bothered by her junk but it ain't for me.