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Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting! ( Got it back !! )


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay I was in the SA client, double clicked my polar bear to dismount and I have no statue in my bag to use it again, My bag isnt full or over weight, ive logged in and out, closed the client, tried 2d.

It isnt there, Is it worth calling a GM?

EDIT: Well this story is now over, I called the GM today as they asked yesterday and they confirmed they had investigated further and were able to restore my polar bear so thank you GM! I can't post your name but I'm sure you know who you are, THANK YOU!!


Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Check your bank box just in case...

also... I have seen items go to the pack invisible for some reason... log out and back in and check your pack again.

Not sure if a GM can help, but may be worth trying... At the lease, send in bug reports!

Sorry to hear about it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Bank box checked, Ive emptied my bag fully and it says '0 Items' and im in the GM queue.

Bug report sent but the form had '2d' and '3d' options, Little old!


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

I fear a GM will give the standard 'we do not replace lost items' answer, but I'm glad Mapper gave a heads up on this, I'll certainly not be using my older vet reward mounts for a few days until I hear more about this possible bug!


Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

I recently lost an Ethy Llama.
I was using it to ride around Ter Mur, then I went to use it again, and it wasn't there.
I can't remember many details of the situation... Or even which client I was in (I usually have to switch to CC when EC starts going wonky, and back to EC when I die, to find the nearest of the half-dozen healers in the land).
But, I confirmed that I didn't accidentally unravel it (since you can't, I tested that on TC1), and it's not in my pack, bank or house.

So, I've been riding around on a real llama.
Incidentally, I tamed the llama waaaaay before bonding, and managed miraculously to keep it alive, so it's a special llama.


Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Same thing with my ethy ossie. Happened to me a couple of weeks ago right after I did a shard transfer. It was there when I transferred. I got all my stuff together, went out adventuring and when I dismounted, it was gone. I didn't bother to petition.

I was also in the SA client.

Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
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Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

For all those yearning for the good ol' days of UO like '98, your dreams have come true.

Patch day troubles, shards down for long periods, items disappearing...

Good to be home again, eh? :cheerleader:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Im actually very impressed with the GM response I got, They apologized and asked exactly what happened, Then after a while of 'looking into it' asked if I could page again tomorrow if the mount hasnt returned after the daily maintenance.

So we will see what happens tomorrow!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Sounds promising, at least - they are looking at what went on, and keeping you informed. Even if it's not replaceable in the end, I'm impressed with the customer service on this one, and hope it's part of a trend of improvements!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

For all those yearning for the good ol' days of UO like '98, your dreams have come true.

Patch day troubles, shards down for long periods, items disappearing...

Good to be home again, eh? :cheerleader:
:) That made me laugh :pint:

Good Luck on getting the Mount back and I suspect your more likely to have a positive outcome than a negative outcome, based on the stated GM reply.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Yesterday I lost my ethy horse this way.

I thought it was a glitch with dismounting while recalling.

Honestly I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one this happened to because it really ticked me off, I know I sound awful.

I also paged a gm and got reply that was basically "sucks to be you"


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

No polar bear after server up, Ill page a GM in a while but I suspect they'll go 'Well sorry, we did all we can, tuff luck'. :(


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

I have an alliance mate who lose their ethy when they died. Seems to be some bug which doesn't place them in the backpack.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!


I am hoping that everything turns out well.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Well this story is now over, I called the GM today as they asked yesterday and they confirmed they had investigated further and were able to restore my polar bear so thank you GM! I can't post your name but I'm sure you know who you are, THANK YOU!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Polar Bear Ethy gone when dis-mounting!

Well this story is now over, I called the GM today as they asked yesterday and they confirmed they had investigated further and were able to restore my polar bear so thank you GM! I can't post your name but I'm sure you know who you are, THANK YOU!!
Congratulations ... To you and the GM :pint:


Yay, we have a precedent that they actually can replace items. They just didn´t give a rats ass before about it.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yay, we have a precedent that they actually can replace items. They just didn´t give a rats ass before about it.
Well, past experience with this dictates that we should expect this behavior for anything other than the current ethy disappearing issue. We are talking about support that are notorious for not even knowing what game they are supporting half the time. Last 2 times I experienced a gm's help they thanked me for playing warhammer.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Ive just lost my beetle.

I was at the soulforge in ter mur and made my crafter a friend of the beetle. Couple of mins later it was gone.

It was bonded and ive had it for a damn long time.