My poison fencer runs 80 poisoning which is 8 out of 10 times that i lethal with the infectious strike special. Gm poisoning takes a huge commitment and i've only done it once. The upside of gm nox (besides saying you have gm nox

) is that you leathal poison every time. No matter what lethal poison. Poison charges on the weapon scale by the type of poison. Lesser poison gets the most charges (18) and it scales down to deadly poison being 12. Lesser can be applied with almost no skill. A human with jack of trades can usually infect there own weapon with lesser poison. Infecting weapons include- Kryss/Dagger/Assassin Spike/Double Bladed Staff (2hand)/ Butcher Knife/Cleaver/Pike (2hand). Fencing is the favorite of a poisoner but swords is an option. I personally say fencing is best but im sure theres a nox swordsman waiting to prove me wrong.
For ninjitsu i was told that poison applies to surikens and fukiya dart guns. Im not sure the actual numbers on this as ninjitsu is a rather useless skill anymore so i dont mess with it, but i belive its similar to nox with infectious strike. 80 nox id say gives ya 8 out of 10 % to lethal poison with a dart/suriken. Remember that darts can be parried and so it is not an extremely effective means of poisoning, but its range so it has usefulness. Darts up close and surikens from farther away. I belive that hit chance is determined by ninjitsu skill level so 120 ninja would get the best % to hit. I would say 99% of ninja chars that have poisoning also run a noxing weapon skill (fencing/swords). Seems to me that fencing makes most sence due to having a shadow strike special. Having not played stealthers I am not the guy to talk to about stealth ninja noxxers.
Now this part is a bit of a mystery to me as I disdain archery, but my buddy did a few tests with nox and archery using the elven composite bow which has a unique serpant arrow special. Ya.. its idea is nice but the result is awful. Not only at gm nox do you fail to even deadly poison something but majority of the time the opponent doesnt even get poisoned!
*note he was able to successfully lethal poison something but for how many attempts it took its use is not practical and the special takes a ton of mana to use*
As far as poisoning food, it seems to be about 50/50 for poisoning someone. Now this I have not tested very much. But in small tests it seemed that no matter how many times i poisoned a steak it was a shot in the dark to get poisoned consuming it. Not to mention deadly poison isnt really that deadly. Lethal is what ya want.
Then obviously you know that poison + magery = 200 for dp fields. any combo you should like as long as both equal 200. (120 mage and 80 nox most common obviously)
I love nox, but sadly with the rise in necro mages who chug pots and the bushido dexxers who chug pots, it seems these guys are going out of style. My character is a 10 yr old template that still kicks ass today but poison can be nerfed by a pot very easily. :/
Hope was able to shed some light on nox...if i am wrong or anyone can add something please do. Happy Hunting