Green Meanie
I had an idea in another thread about poisoning that i had to post as a seprate thread.
Instead of poison doing a set % of the targets life have each level do a set amount of damage. Then every other tick the poison can down grade by 1.
after doing that they can lower the gcure pots effectiveness off the top of my head 50% for leathal 85% for deadly 100% for rest.
this will set max durration of poison at 10 ticks, Make poison progressvly easier to heal, make poison much more usefull in pvp.
Gcures will still be handy becouse you can spam them till you cure and run out of them quickly or wait for the poison level to down grade and cure it in 1 pot.
the 50% for cures is just a guess play testing would be needed. Any comments constructive or explaining why this wouldnt work are accepted. If your just going to say wont work nuff said save your post
Instead of poison doing a set % of the targets life have each level do a set amount of damage. Then every other tick the poison can down grade by 1.
after doing that they can lower the gcure pots effectiveness off the top of my head 50% for leathal 85% for deadly 100% for rest.
this will set max durration of poison at 10 ticks, Make poison progressvly easier to heal, make poison much more usefull in pvp.
Gcures will still be handy becouse you can spam them till you cure and run out of them quickly or wait for the poison level to down grade and cure it in 1 pot.
the 50% for cures is just a guess play testing would be needed. Any comments constructive or explaining why this wouldnt work are accepted. If your just going to say wont work nuff said save your post