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Podcast listening while Playing UO


Stratics Veteran
I'm not technical. Okay I'm 1 step removed from offering a sacrifice to start the computer. (found the on button)
Is there a way, without going into files and magical stuff like that, to quiet the in game music and play podcasts instead? Thanks.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you talking about streaming the audio through the game or just having it play in the background while the game runs? I don't think there is a way to stream it through UO without some third party program or replacing files (I could be wrong) but you can certainly mute the game audio through the in-game menu and have the podcast play in the background.


Stratics Veteran
Bloody Hell! Thank you, sadly it was on the first tab of the options window too. Thank you! Now I can listen to SModcast while doing the mundane things. I appreciate the response.